YOU can believe that this fully ties in with the ongoing Subject; WHY DID APOSTLE PAUL go for GALATIANS 1:1-2 “Spiritual Authority” “Government Apostlic Form”..for it is among these tongue speaking authentic various tribes, where the Southern Baptist apostolic senior pastor’s, freely reared, (meaning : FREELY LIBERATED FROM “NOT BACK UNDER THE OT LEVITICAL LAW) first born She, first ever super strongly, repeatedly enountered what Taveau Creative Leadership NOW has called Old Testament Levitical Patriarchism (mostly Western European apostolic heritage) and which many often refer to as OVERSEER SHEPHERDING. (NOTE: which Dr T and DFW LOF refuse to participate in!)
Brute Logic, repeated Noble Berean Bible study and much seeking the Lord…. Dr Taveau, believes simply that NONE OF US know it all, have seen it all ,or “IS” it all.. meaning EACH AND EVERY ONE.
SO we “each, all, many times ERR “Not knowing all about the BIBLE SCRIPTURES or the HOLY SPIRIT REAL POWER.. as Jesus stated to the errant Sadducees:
“You err, not knowing the scriptures OR the power of God.” Matthew 22:29
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