All,  Christian


NOTE: This is an Sept 12, 2019 new TCL SOUND attempt to re-activate the WORSHIP MUSIC Site and also to ask for PRAYER to be able to fully concentrate on WORSHIP MUSIC and have a TV, RECORDING, TRAINING GOOD STUDIO and recording quality KEYBOARD to replace the lost one in the Denton Office drug user rape assault attempt.
(PS Pray for laborers across THEIR PATHS (3).

(C)2019 Taveau D’Arcy Creative Leadership All copyrights reserved

CLICK ON THE LINK BENEATH ..THIS RECENTLY POSTED ONLINE K POP ARTICLE is a extremely high quality method that the WORLD finds quite materialistically effective not to mention perceived culturally transforming.


Hey, I am FOR invention..greatness and INTERESTING, definitely ENERGIZING, fully ENTERTAINING..yet never deeply fulfilling that NEED for RELATIONSHIP, PURE JOY, deep REST..however, I do understand that it is SIGHT, SOUND designed for SOUL and IMPARTING….(take that for what ever YOU feel it may mean) and the amazing highly stylized KPOP here is definitely MIND, EMOTIONS, SOUL stirring…


AND while this human person is for PROVISION (MEANING WHEN ONE DOES MUSIC IN THE CHRISTIAN ARENA)…I do not wholly endorse or make any crass overtly carnal marketing ploy …for as a Christian, am trying HARD not to be cold, self ME Absorbed and/or mercenary …but Holy Spirit, wholly God directed.


LONG BUT INTERESTING..I’ve long kept my heart open for all STYLES, TYPES of worship and secular music. For the secular trends spill over into the heart of Christian I have vastly noted growing up with and enjoying… the deep culture hard rock winding through the 70’s…PLUS also before, following and during and JUST NOW when Christian praise and worship evolved…


And all of this life I’ve always fully respected and enjoyed, truly enjoy, keep one eye/ ear continually open… hearing about that the world is doing. For many are CALLED ..and also very many to the prophetic office…who are now world wide famous, infamous…such are shocker “performance artists” ..


And I read, saw a Netflix show about on major influencer, the blessed and gigantically gifted, Steve Aoki, and electronic raves, (as in seeing secular signs of a need for more deep worship experiences?). I penned a feature (there on TCL SOUND about Avicii (who a year ago perished via overdose) earlier on in this….for the extremely HIGH big Calling is on all on the Buddhist and other we can beseech the Living Loving Lord to sent just the right laborers across each of their paths.

I extremely admire their talent, precision, spirit of excellence, dedication.

Extremely interesting article about how marketing using the precise formula and YOU TUBE has created a USA and world wide but not well known outside the Youth basic Culture…



So not into being RELIGIOUS but respectful...and if YOU feel that all this is TOO UNHOLY..then please do not attempt to view.

I would say PRAY for ALL of these amazing talented persons AND invite Holy Spirit to enter all of that scene.

AND God will send RESPECTFUL BEST QUALITY RELATIONSHIPS (trustworthy Christian laborers) across each one of their disciplined, well exampled, paths.


I can say “Hi” (can’t spell it but can at least greet) and “PASS the (seaweed rice roll) KIM POP” in Korean. But not “good bye.”


(C)2019 Taveau Creative Leadership All copyrights reserved

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