NOTE..this was first posted Oct 26, 2018
(C)2018 Dr Taveau D’Arcy All copyrights reserved
SELAH= “Pause and really think about it” Taken from the BIBLE. (Old Testament primarily).ACTUALLY, there are also many different kinds of SELAH (in Psalms…but no time for a long explanation of that, right now)
Dr. T always submits every Bible teaching MESSAGE, WORD…respectfully to ALL Christian ministry 5 fold Ephesians 4 office leaders…. as well as to all “Ye Must Be Born Again ” faith filled Jesus followers…and within that select spiritual target market…ANY and ALL who “have listening ears to fully hear…”
AND because Taveau takes a firm equipping non biased, respecting ALL FORMS OF FAITH, non political STAND, SHE welcomes all human thinking persons…meaning all races, ages, and FORMS or ALL faiths ,…even ones who may lack a belief system.
YET, (reminder) she submits her often ministry direct, pointed LEADER WORDS to the 5 fold office ministers…while recognizing that others who are not a part of that group, may also be reading, viewing.
AND about SUBMITTING a SELAH being like a TENNIS’s what Dr T means by this (This is how SHE regards the entire SUBMITTING process)
Taveau goes in to inquire of/ after the LORD, asking for message from His own Father’s heart.
She asks Holy Spirit download of heavy or light revvy (revelation).
And once she PERCEIVES and DISCERNS IT, she first evaluates, prays about it, ponders and Bible filters it, as to get needing GOD confirmation and affirmation, as to whether it is actually a Bible based real WORD or NOT.
IF God confirms that is is coming from HIM, Taveau then speaks it, declares it, web films it or writes it.
BUT THEN SHE fully knows that every reader, listener, male and female, has THEIR OWN POINT OF VIEW and their full God given RIGHT TO OWN IT.Also as a fellow Christ following ,leader HUMAN, who is as FALLIBLE as YOU and each and every single OTHER reader, listener, then SHE wants each one of YOU to have the opportunity to be a NOBLE BEREAN ..and to check it out to see if it truly lines up the BIBLE SCRIPTURE (but not the kind back UNDER THE OLD TESTAMENT LEVITICAL LAW)..
SO rather than being a BIBLE THUMPING /BEAT DOWN CHRISTIAN ATTACK RELIGIONIST…and/or one who is a DOGMATIST or overly AUTHORITARIAN or attempting to CONTROL, DR T then envisions ever word GIVEN OUT as an SPIRITUAL TENNIS BALL OF REALISTIC THOUGHT…being respectfully LOBBED out via the air waves, into the ONLINE UNIVERSE..and OVER to the (proverbial, spiritual) TENNIS COURT of each READER, LISTENER.
AND once T has delivered the TENNIS BALL( MESSAGE) she then trusts, understands and allows the HUMAN over on their part of the TENNIS COURT to then listen, read, and then PONDER and PRAY and then to go directly TO THE LORD and let HIM confirm to every one of THEM…what HE IS TRULY IS SAYING via that SENT message.
Then please re read this article all over once more.
(C)2021 DFW Leader Ministry Fellowship All copyrights reserved