“ELITE” has NO BUSINESS in Christ’s Father’s House(s)
. SUBMISSIONITES: Even (plenty) of good, and many pure, well intentioned and HIGH CALLED many people can still use false doctrines…but well intended should be not condemned, yet not condoned, tolerated , neither accepted.
Rather it must be trained, exhorted, corrected and even these cases which follow, in Church of Thyatira Revelation “up front confronted’ (for a lot this described below is akin to dark, begrudging, set in the path of honorable National Diverse Ephesians 5 Community, the Harvest in Last Days and a more humorous,even mirthful.. Life Giving Honest Revival
As the head Sr Galatians 1:1-2 office, founder leader, of The Cross Body Unity New Ministry Move..and as a long time expert having been SENT by the Lord Most High from age 24 until this to “surf and study His varied and diverse Cross Body for the purposes bringing Leader Understanding and Harmony, Unity, in the National, even Global body of Christ, I hearby now UP FRONT CONFRONT the Jezebel Doctrines, caliber of relationship targeting fruit.. on behalf of the naive, innocent, newbies, expats, strangers and diverse atypical persons who are “SEEKERS” Now in this most accusing, demeaning and biased Age…
And I do this also for safety of this move of God, of myself and many who like this..the holy fear of the Godly Remnant, who would want ALL be able to come for His Book of Acts move, gentle Spirit, office of prophecy and good deep worship music. I say this now, with no holds bared, NOT OFFENDED (as they far apart usually like to believe) BUT RATHER ON BEHALF of the non famous and “little unheard of Big and Small one).. and all colors and core beliefs I now call this SUBMISSIONISM as partly undue FALSE among the many good and true.
It is the witch watching perfectionist ministry divisive betraying factions of many of these, which I warn and I now rebuke, But I will name your names or churches or famous,impure local offices.
Q. Was Jesus “mean” (not “SWEET like He used to be!) when he prophetically with solemn purpose. strode into the temple and tossed over the mammon centric busy tables in the elite Pharisee System? NO. But in modern times He might get pop psychology far away written off as having “offense” “being jealous of the temple ministers” “causing division and strife” “accused of being “wounded” “having big unforgiveness against his superiors” “having BIG DYSFUNCTIONAL major baggage” “having His good evil spoken of..and many more!”
I do this akin to CHRIST long suffering, as He grew and noticed the prejudiced, pomp, power and biased of the mammon centric Pharisee of His Day. One day the His Creator Good moved upon His heard and said, summarily, like this. I AM FED UP ..ON BEHALF OF THE ZEAL FOR MY FATHER’S WOULD BE SAFE, SOUND and ACCEPTING non prejudiced or using false occult, witchcraft to get ahead…
And I do now for I represent the apostle of the unjustly biased against and also non famous…mostly the least of these, not in it to perform or be used or to targeted by the religious spirit for simple entering into one of these heightened prone to be real prophets and getting defiled and evil eye word cursed by playtime, Demas, would be famous novice
And I liken YOU to the Keeper of the Book of Acts, when I need to remind each of you, JESUS CHRIST AND GOOD CREATOR FATHER are ‘OVER” the Book of Acts, moving in the Holy Spirit,..and theirs NONE who is OVER ALL THE REST OF US
All that is mentioned Above and Beneath are viewed by myself as fully recantable, plus repentable and I forever forgive, for it is mistaken tradition, deliverance ministry gone way to far out. And this Apostle T trains on your behalf, so that none of this, or my mistake any of your ministry disciples, brings down God’s wrath as His move is all. I myself dwell in Isaiah 1:18 “RIGHT RELATIONSHIP” full of Christ’s Mercy and always James 3:17 “abiding relationship pure hearted true ministry (“what you see is what you get” fruit”
We are open for theological normal discussing but not debates. No body wins in that. WE JUST WANT THE LORDs’ CROSS CULTURAL REAL MOVE for HIS Non Racist “pure community”in these quickly evaporating …dire End Times

This is TIMELY and Ministry Helpful:

The blessed Shepherding Biased Movement is ‘The WELP’ (Western European Levitical Patriarchism, L Matriarchism), which I named as the Big Boss form of ‘theological ministry autocracy’—’being over us all!’ I submit that this, at times cruel, governing version of ‘Christian Authority’ most likely heralds from the Old Timey white Country Law (the many turf-guarding, dogged graduates of the ‘Mountain William School of Law,’ of which I am very well informed, as it’s mostly authoritarian, control, legalistic). I discuss this at great theological, mighty length.
For anyone’s information: Here at TCL, Cross Body Unity, DFW Leader Ministry Fellowship, and all, we believe in the ‘Chain of Command,’ the legally wedded Bible-Believing married HOH (Head of Home), along with Ephesians 5:21, ‘teamwork,’ ‘equal co-partners,’ ‘colaborers.’ First Church (see TD’s ARTICLE where CHAPT GPT AI said the entire First Church offices, ministry, fellowship, and personal marriage was all Ephesians 5:21) until the Hellenistic, Roman influences infiltrated, and that is when authoritarian persons were in Christian ministry office, leadership!!
So all Ephesians 5:21 ‘mutual submission, the fear of the Lord‘ along with married (but need to be trained, mature so that there is no Hitler or power struggle in infantile playtime).

A mega main leader point: if I, you, or somebody somewhere signs up officially to be a member, or under, or a part of any official governing head group, then it is my choice to join, and if I join, then I should abide by their own ministry, church rules. (This means that many may prefer to use the WELP Shepherding Movement style, but that is between each person and the Lord and each “official leader member.”)
Yet all of this was first red-flagged by former state of VA country law, mostly rural small white ministries who took it upon themselves to “believe” that all persons, mainly women, were “under them.” But I was not in any relationships with them, not one of their official members, nor did they ever one-to-one consult me according to proper Galatians 6:1 and Matthew 18:15-16. They presumed that they knew more, for they were into the false ministry theology of “that CI, C Peter Wagner all formed,” which they thought said ‘God sets some special few chief apostles to be over all of the many others in the gates of the city (and that these were “the elite chief prophets, country law apostles).’ I have fully, repeatedly, and in deep depth Bible studied, analyzed, and reviewed, and now I claim to be an expert in this. So, I take this Galatians 1:1-2 apostle office stance to upfront refute.
It is back under the Old Timey Old Testament Law and is coupled much busybody name-calling gossip, bear false witness, “reading persons by demonic occult (akin to Salem Witch Trials WELP use of spectral evidence (far away …vibe reading).”

USA WIDE: This group character assassinates, calls out my term “accuser jumps” persons in public, with no warning or reason. (Plus, they avoid Matthew 18:15, meek Galatians 6:1—all forms of one-to-one private confrontation.)
For it is always about them declaring that she, he, and we are “in rebellion,” “out from under (their view of) Big Spiritual Governing Authority…meaning they are big into “being submitted to…each of them.” However, that is not even in the First Church, for I have repeatedly, thoroughly investigated. Even consulted Chat GPT AI this summer, just to make sure about “LP and Ephesians 5:21” in all Christian/community relationships. All of the many Christian Submissionites appear to be, for the most part, Book of Acts styles. Yet, while they are each “Holy Ghost,” I also realize that many of the modern Book of Acts groups are not like this one bit.
So I say, do not use what is said herein to make blanket accusing ministry stereotypes. No, just assess, evaluate one by one and then regard all (me included) to see who has and who has not “the holy fear of the Living Lord,” proper knowledge, and training emphasis about God’s Holy Word (not character assassination, finger-pointing, or back under the Old Timey Law). Assess top leaders, staff, elders, congregation by their mature abiding relationship, respect, and fruit.
The character fruit of these Submissionites* after relocating and finding myself dwelling amidst an all-white toxic religious “watching us all” turf-guarding wide area. They keep tabs among themselves on “Church Hoppers,” “witches,” and “Undermining Jezebels.”
They also keep tabs on “persons who are not submitted (officially under a local or famous pastor).” These are adept at avoiding “real relationships,” rather spy from afar and many accuse.
Due to its real control, I would like to name this WELP SPIRIT one more controlling deep, dark, entrenched, accepted, also expected form of Jezebel of manipulative, proud Country Law Theology, which I confront in Church of Thyatira form due to me being the head senior office of this ministry and the founder of the move CROSS BODY UNITY.
Also, this is a huge, amazing, accusing local, regional, even national Christian community nightmare. (All ongoing being done in Christ’s Holy Name), and the big community sees it and believes it!! Also, they name-smear, withstand, target and pray against, also Black List fellow ministries, future generational rising many elders, as well as the many people based on this errant theology.
They start and/or believe the many rumors, all based upon standing safely far away and cautiously “inner” reading their vibes but without any proper (respectful) one-to-one, up-close real relationship. I have discovered that many, including this James 3:17 calm, friendly, open, approachable nice person, was put on their lists.
And, I had a board member who heard one of the main ones in the county say that about myself and many others, proceeding to name “fellow Christians as witches” in the pastor’s prayer meeting he attended back in the day (Dr. John E Jones of Keisha Ministries has departed to be with the Lord, but he was a calm and non-prejudiced, authentic eyewitness).
On behalf of the Body of Christ, I now submit this doctrinal discovery, the fruits.
But great calls, hard work, spiritual gifts, many finely tuned abilities… yet false governing authority theology which triggers repeated, recurring, also needless divination, mind reading, bear false witness. Much ministry accusation of many innocent, division, and its own self-centric anti-Ephesian 4 and Ephesians 5:21 Pauline unified community, which is a Pauline word for now: 2 Timothy 3:1-5 (based upon this fault-finding fruit).
Plus, not servant leaders, many are far prone to resemble chief masters and pieces of property, and some more like slave owner big and small cults.
Elijah vs the accusing theology of Ahab, Jezebel & their abiding self-resembling targeting network.
We want to repeat: The national prophet Elijah was withstood by the proud, weak King Ahab and the demonic Queen Jezebel, plus their dynamic and forceful, however warlike occult meaning their formidable targeting and self-resembling enormous false prophets giant network. Yet we note that ELIJAH only wanted God’s national move on behalf of Himself and His People, while Ahab and Jezebel and their like-minded friends, peers ONLY WANTED “Their OWN proud elite, pompous self-centric private and profitable turf.”
Use big caution when assessing the WELP Submission (mostly Used to It) Big Squire:
These resemble kegs of old wine, no matter how plentiful, safe, reliable, and stable, even maturely ‘relaxing,” and could be viewed as luxurious… hold nothing which compares with the joy of God’s new wine.

The Cult of Submissionism
From Taveau D’Arcy Creative Leadership Ministries, Head of Cross Body Unit Ephesians 4 Community Now Move
A. I researched “covering” in the Bible; I specifically wanted to determine the New Testament use of that word “covering.”
B. I could not find it. The only “covering mentioned” in the New First Church was “God’s love covers a multitude of sins.”
C. I believe in having enough “prayer covering” and “safety in a number of wise counselors.” I also believe in “Chain of command,” which is First Church Ephesians 5:21 for all, including offices, marriage, fellowship, Christian ministry, and community.
But with the well-trained and deciding Equally Yoked and Mature Married Couple, that Ephesians 5:22 is not a task or cruel enslaving or controlling, angry rule but instead previously agreed upon Christian-only (determined prior to being wed) Chain of command, house house order “Real Respect.”
Let remind all to use caution, single parents, males, females, singles “are the head of their own home” along with The Most High God (so do not determine value and respect based on gender or “being married.” View them as God is their mate, sow equal opportunity ministry value and office respect.
We must have at least a modicum of dignity in Christian modern senior, rising ministry.
1 Corinthians 11:4-5 in the King James Version (KJV):
(Tip of the Law) Leader Reader, what say thou? (this being said in light of the many SCREAMING ACCUSING TMZ TABLOID BIG LEGALISTS making beaucoup of $$ from those multitudes of monetized tabloid type(Demas for Dollars) video YOUTUBE
“Every man praying or prophesying, having his head covered, dishonoreth his head. But every woman that prayeth or prophesieth with her head uncovered dishonoreth her head: for that is even all one as if she were shaven.”
Plus: The phrase “Christ is the head of the man, the man is the head of the woman” is derived from the following biblical passage, specifically 1 Corinthians 11:3 in the New Testament: “But I would have you know, that the head of every man is Christ; and the head of the woman is the man, and the head of Christ is God.” (1 Corinthians 11:3, KJV)
But in modern First Church life…what does that mean? Does that teach that all Christian men are over all Christian women?
Why do I bother to ask that? For I was in DFW Ministry Grass roots from 2005-2020, and I was treated like a piece of meat among the gossipy tongue-talking. Dehumanized, deeply repeatedly objectified by clueless big-boyism and their devout hangers-on/nameless minions.
I had instances where as a newbie (non-famous!) solemn, quiet Office Leader “Woman,” it seemed to be the teaching in the local culture (country law mid-income) that “all white men are over all women” (hence the comments about “the Little DFW Women” which I’d never once encountered, having had my own ministry for 30 years and having been raised by a Pastor who was like that at all. So I used the time to study: and doctrinally took note, and studied their doctrines, the lifestyles, the group and their women, relationships.
Yet I used that timely to notice and realized that it boiled to sheer clueless leader ignorance, but it’s harmful to many persons, to God’s safe Holy Name, and to the Future Church in a Needed Revival.
So I’d rather be blamed and accused from afar like their usual, but that is OK. God is moving, and He will confirm this or not.
I will quote Dr. Bill Winston, Living Word Christian Center, Chicago, who trained it like this: “The Bible says that ‘the head of every woman is the man,’ but there is no man who is the head of ‘my wife except for me!”
And I will submit this to you and leave it for you to ministry decide!
Saying this next in jest but seriously for the letter of the law is just that: but how does it apply to Christian wearing head covering during ministry?
But in 1 Cor 11:11, it also commands a man who “prays or prophesies” “not” to wear any head covering (today it means knitted cap, ball cap, beanie, fez, tallit/prayer shawl, beret, fedora or hoodie,(toupee?) which is tied to form a covering, a sombrero, inventive and/or native tribal headdress, any other(! just making this a point)…so as to throw ever more out into this (accusing legalism is the main topic not persons ‘wearing hats or not” In the modern age (my TCL view).
Leader: Contact me if you need Bible theological “iron sharpens iron” OR witchcraft (of this playtime Demas sort) DELIVERANCE at crossbodyunity@gmail.com LEAVE VOICE MAIL office phone 803-792-7070
USA Underlying, mostly cult-like Submissionites
It’s a pet culture…experienced, winning and very popular, totally white WELP, WELM accepted, tolerated, and expected. This is no more about them. Just about the real danger of the nation of Isaiah.
2764 Pleasant Rd Suite A-635
Fort Mill, SC 29708
(C)2023 Taveau D’Arcy EORR Cross Body Unity International All copyrights reserved under international copyright laws