ACCORDING TO DR T “It’s God’s Holy Spirit anointing which breaks the yokes off of people’s lives..NOT the talent, gift, persona ,or education, the formal training NOR “Fame” ” the size of the Christian persons, office, ministers sphere of influence’, their race, nation, or tribe.” So we’re in search MORE for God’s ANOINTING than the amazing production quality or notoriety.
The old early 2000’s Dr Taveau Music Saying “God’s music has more flavors than Baskin Robbins Ice cream”
GOD’S New Day..what is HIS New Leader SOUND?
Let me know what YOU think after reading what follows!
FOR THE BODY OF CHRIST .TD as a worship leader, composer, psalmist, spontaneous Creator.
DR T is a musician, CCLI songwriter affiliate and long time professor and wishes to encourage all folks to STIR UP THE GIFT to bring forth a NEW WORSHIP FINE ARTS SOUND in these surely Last Days
Here worship music, prophetic psalmist has been silent for the sake of recovering from DFW and the tragic loss there. I will accept and all ministry PRAYERS to get it back and up once again (See the older worship demo site https://www.celebrationofhiswordmusic.com
ALL “worship styles, cultures, beats, volumes, rhythms and ethnicities”
(Dr T LOVES God’s Diverse MANY Eclectic Flavors)
Today..this is about going DEEPER into the Eternal Realm
THE BELOW: What appears presently to be a forgotten deeper perspective in much of modern Christian worship music is facing tomorrow either with Him or without Him, and each true Christ follower getting prepared just in case.
While I understand this is from the older ‘90s movement, the flavor, the deep pure heart, and the eternal presence is a missing piece in these modern busy, usually flamboyant hurried days.
I post this understanding here, realizing that just a tiny few seem to understand this “part” of God’s Holy Spirit.
And I realize that not all ministers, persons, and pure-hearted composers are “called” to this type of worship music sound level. Some are, many are not. So do not feel judged or badly.
Still, I feel directed to post this, to invite you and many others to inquire of the Lord and try to at least tap into this.
It’s the last days, and many people, including Christians and many Christian top senior ministers, are appearing to be unready for the last day before Jesus’ throne.
A ALL WHO HAVE AN EAR TO HEAR..and submitted as a Selah, just in case you feel it!
AND, musician.. if YOU get a new piece after reading this..please make me aware it.
I really want to hear it!
Email: tclleadership@gmail.com
Glad Tidings!
(C)2023 DFW Leader Ministry Fellowship All copyrights reserved under international copyright laws