THIS “THE AI AND IT’ is intermixed tithe THE ARE YOU SUBMITTED” Big Series, going way back to May 9 or or so on on this and many TD apostolic sites
Maybe a Subtitle could be “How Low Do We Go in Representing Christ??
C)2023 Dr Taveau D’Arcy All copyrights reserved under international copyright laws
John 13:34-35 “some have called this the 11th commandment”
“A new commandment I give to you, that you love one another: just as I have loved you, you also are to love one another.35 By this all people will know that you are my disciples, if you have love for one another.”
I John 1:7 “If we walk in the light, as He is in the Light, then we have fellowship one with another and the blood of Christ cleanses us from all sin”
NOTE As one attempts to surf Christ’s leader true Body..randomly, one can encounter the surprise of what proceeds to resemble a sometimes big, gifted, however penchant for low blow also joyless crowd causes me to note Office Prophet Christ in Hebrews 1:9
“Thou hast loved righteousness, and hated iniquity; therefore God, even thy God, hath anointed thee with the oil of gladness above thy fellows.“
A portrait of a joyful, glad prophet, Messiah and winome Savior. However, not that His joy was “conditional” based upon His own two very personal private real life choice”
1) “Jesus loved righteousness” (He loved what was “good” “pure’ “fair” “just” and “holy” yet without being “self righteous ” or “holier than thou”
2) And wise Jesus” hated the hardened human sin condition the many sins, (but he did note “hate” any “sinner” or ‘non believer” or ‘fallen human person”
… and was key in training this myself to help pre-detect the big possibility of off, false, ministry accuser low blow type (2 Timothy 3:1-5) country law tradition and junior Office Mature Wannnabe what I want to name as “Neo Phariseeism” and to heed, pay attention to any “FROWNS OF FALSE DOCTRINE’ “The SCOWLS of ongoing accuser (usually mirthless, accuser, disrespecting, deep Law inherited bias)
FIRST OFF WE NOTE: note that the apostolic governing authority in the First Church was characterized by “mutual submission in the fear of the Lord” as described in Ephesians 5:21.
This leadership approach emphasized servant leadership rather than authoritarianism. In TAVEAU’S Part 2 of the SERIES titled “Are You Submitted:” Minister Jesus,” the concept of mutual submission is explored in depth within the context of ministry, community, family, and marriage.
It is important to differentiate this understanding of leadership from certain groups or individuals who demand submission in a negative and oppressive manner, resembling a “Big Boss” mentality.
To Taveau this negative perception of submission has been discovered in certain regions of the USA, particularly in the mid-Florida region during the 1990s.
Similar instances have been observed in various areas across the East Coast, Deep South, and other regions where the infusion of a distorted witchcraft doctrine (I knew 2 prophetic and blessed, gifted sincere persons and one nationally known South African Colonials who were affected by that )
And this has led to a deviation from the safe, wholesome, mostly joyful and sound principles found in the original First Church Holy Spirit Book of Acts, Spirit of Prophecy, and genuine worship. And it has led to my own inability to trust .
We note that the apostolic governing authority in the First Church was characterized by “mutual submission in the fear of the Lord” as described in Ephesians 5:21.
“Mutual submission in the fear of the Lord”
This leadership approach emphasized servant leadership rather than authoritarianism. In Part 2 of the discussion titled “Are You Submitted, Minister Jesus,” the concept of mutual submission is explored in depth within the context of ministry, community, family, and marriage.
It is important to differentiate this understanding of leadership from certain groups or individuals who demand submission in a negative and oppressive manner, resembling a “Big Boss” mentality.
This negative perception of Bible authority perverse “submission” has been discovered in certain regions of the USA, particularly in the mid-Florida region during the 1990s.
Similar instances have been observed in various areas across the East Coast, Deep South, and other regions where the infusion of a distorted witchcraft doctrine (originating from South Africa Colonial influences) has led to a deviation from the principles found in the Book of Acts, the Spirit of Prophecy, and genuine worship. (seems to be wherever the Colonials loved the Book of Acts)
Yet, TD is saying all of this in Proverbs 27:6: “Respect and faithful are the wounds of a non-dysfunctional kind friend.” (But beware of the fault-finding in 2 Timothy 3:1-5, frustrating avoidant fruit.)
Understanding and discerning the true essence of biblical leadership and genuine submission requires a careful examination of scripture, guided by the Holy Spirit, and a commitment to aligning with the principles of love, servanthood, and mutual respect. And all of this has led to my own inability to trust these individuals, after repeatedly having my mind read and deeply scanned by few or many from afar, and being prophetically targeted by soulish prayers and witchcraft. This spirit has lied, defiled, aggressed, jumped, avoided, repeatedly psychic read, never spoken, interviewed, or loved enough to speak. (All of this is the worst Book of Acts real nightmare for me in all of the USA due to the invisible, subtle controlling and ever-demonic picking us all apart by this unclean, no holy fear of the Lord partial and godless, and merciless accusing, vilifying, and recurring many ministry Judas, as in false witness bearing all-wise and occult turf-protecting blind-wearying spirit.) I wrote “Ode to Welp” at the top of www.onlinefellowship.us many years ago about these issues in my former, more rural white area
However, this non-monster minister will not name the ministry groups who do this here, but I will if you are pure-hearted and a fellow peer. Contact dfwleader@gmail.com.
I am GREATLY ASSESSING, POINTING OUT what appears to be undue white witchcraft For “Faithful are the wounds of a friend” Proverbs 27:;6 “mature, caring, true purposes:
REASONS WHY: to sumarrily wake awaken these.. to shake them up into repenting, redoing their spiritual doctrines, defragging their own double-tongued, false, accusing, hiding authority, so that the move of God can really begin.
Also, to protect the many of them, meaning, so that God does not bring His judgment upon them, as it is His move and many others called to the Holy Spirit First Church dunamis power wells (myself also).
Please note: that due understanding and discerning the true essence of biblical leadership and genuine submission requires a careful examination of scripture, guided by the Holy Spirit, and a commitment to aligning with the principles of love, servanthood, and mutual respect.
For there but for the grace of God go we… each and every one of us. Taveau witnesses: “If I had not been a Baptist and known true doctrine, true perspective, and wholesome, fun Christ-following with an eternal perspective, I might not be here today.
Pop psychology and trends of modern and occult untrue doctrine are at work in these certain types of mega, micro, mini “mind-reading” sort of Spirit-filled churches. Taveau asks the following pointed ministry questions, as these are the main examples of what I never once heard about in the denominational white Baptist church. Yet, these have hounded me since stepping foot into what I later discovered as big boss, we-centric, overseer leader shepherding, which I now renamed WELP (Western European Levitical Patriarchism and L Matriarchism).
Q. Where any of these (following and listed) modern born again, usually country law patriarchal ministry and fellowship good doctrines applied, advocated, used, and enforced ANYWHERE anywhere by the apostles, Jesus, Paul and/or the First Church?
1. the need to be covered under a 5 fold office
2. one ministry group appointed to keep tabs on the believers to see if they ‘were submitted” and “under a local pastor”
3. One minister doctrinal group of pastors, ministers who were appointed to make sure believers went to church each Sunday and did not take off or go somewhere else, or remain at home?
The doctrines and practices you described, such as the need to be covered under a five-fold office, the appointment of a ministry group to keep tabs on believers, and the requirement to attend church each Sunday under the supervision of a specific group of pastors, ministers, were not part of the practices of the early church as described in the New Testament.
In the early church, the emphasis was primarily on the teachings of Jesus Christ and the apostles, and believers gathered together in local assemblies for worship, teaching, and fellowship. The leadership structure of the early church was centered around elders, who provided guidance and oversight to the community of believers. The New Testament also mentions the role of apostles, prophets, evangelists, pastors, and teachers (the five-fold ministry) in equipping and edifying the church, but there is no requirement for believers to be “covered” under a specific office or for a ministry group to monitor their submission.
While the early church encouraged believers to gather regularly for worship and mutual encouragement (Hebrews 10:25), there is no indication of a specific doctrinal group of pastors appointed to enforce attendance or restrict believers from going elsewhere. The emphasis was on the freedom and individual responsibility of believers to grow in their faith and follow Christ.
It’s important to note that different Christian denominations and movements have developed various structures and practices over the centuries, and some may incorporate elements similar to what you described. However, these specific practices you mentioned do not align with the practices of the first-century church as described in the New Testament.
SECOND BIG LIST OF AI QUESTIONS (and this apostle/pastor T has literally encountered each of as I was SENT around the USA…so the following and has had it evil eye me at a distance, more than once, yet ONLY in ‘white, charismatic, move in the Holy Spirit gifts with big worship.
Q. Did apostles in the first church have a select elite group of ministers referred to as the “apostles in the gates of the city” …AND Q. who were appointed to monitor every believer to keep tabs on their practices, their fellowship attendance,
AND Q .Did any of the FIrst Church leaders ” keep on the lookout for the following:
1. ministry church hoppers? 2. Jezebels 3. Witches 4. Warlocks
5. Persons who were unsubmitted to their authority?
There is no biblical evidence to suggest that the apostles in the early church appointed an elite group of ministers referred to as the “apostles in the gates of the city” to monitor every believer’s practices, and attendance, or to specifically look out for ministry church hoppers, Jezebels, witches, warlocks, or individuals who were unsubmitted to their authority.
While the apostles and other leaders in the early church exercised authority and provided guidance to the believers, the focus was primarily on teaching and nurturing the faith of the community. The apostles and elders in the early church were responsible for resolving disputes, making important decisions, and providing spiritual oversight (Acts 15:1-29). They also appointed elders in local churches to provide ongoing leadership and care for the believers (Acts 14:23, Titus 1:5).
In terms of monitoring individual believers’ practices, attendance, or looking out for specific individuals mentioned in your question, there is no scriptural basis for such activities being conducted by an elite group of ministers. The emphasis in the early church was on teaching, discipleship, and the spiritual growth of believers rather than monitoring and policing their actions.
It’s important to approach the study of the early church with a focus on biblical texts and historical context to gain a clear understanding of their practices and teachings. Different traditions and interpretations have emerged over time, but the specific practices and monitoring mechanisms you mentioned are not found in the New Testament accounts of the early church.
Hence the HER Taveau asks AI:
There is no biblical evidence to suggest that the apostles in the early church appointed gifted seers to spy on demons in order to monitor new visitors, repeat attenders, or members. The idea of using seers or individuals with supernatural abilities to spy on people for the purpose of identifying demons or spiritual influences is not supported by the teachings or practices of the early church as described in the New Testament.
In the New Testament, the focus of the apostles and leaders of the early church was primarily on preaching the Gospel, teaching sound doctrine, and nurturing the spiritual growth of believers. They emphasized the work of the Holy Spirit in transforming lives, casting out demons, and bringing healing (Acts 8:7, Acts 10:38).
However, there is no indication that the apostles specifically appointed seers or individuals to spy on others for the purpose of identifying demons.
It’s important to approach the study of the early church with a biblical perspective and rely on scriptural evidence. While supernatural gifts and spiritual discernment are mentioned in the New Testament (1 Corinthians 12:7-11, 1 Corinthians 14:1), they were primarily given for the edification of the church and the advancement of the Gospel, rather than for the purpose of spying or monitoring individuals.
It is advisable to be cautious of teachings or practices that go beyond what is explicitly stated in the Bible and to align one’s beliefs and actions with biblical principles and examples.
Taveau asks AI about First Church jumping people in public whom they have never once spoken with nor lovingly confronted.
MORE LATER ON THIS I WANT TO GIVE AN AUDIO, AT LENGTH PODCAST TO FILL IN GAPS(I had this happen in Richmond, VA in 1996, Chesterfield County in 2003, and Denton, TX in 2010. It’s a big reason why I warn against this ministry group and recognize that its doctrines are off. This more Pentecostal targeting of only lone individuals has singled out many, vilified them, and caused surprise and hurt to many of God’s innocent, pleasant, and calm remnant persons. It mostly targets lone women but also a few gentle males. This is an old-timey LP “witch-watching” that I say is “turf-protecting,” elegant, and fanatic—a prophetic type of “Christian” big boss ministry (Demas, playtime). Mostly, it’s a patriarchal want-to-be aristocrat approach (which I call nouveau riche, though I am not, as I was not raised in poverty).
While these sly, majorly autocratic, even fascist and strong individuals go after mostly white females who are not “WELP” or tending toward appearing Teutonic or Germanic, I noted that they rarely, if ever, do the same to black individuals. Here is why: they are afraid of being called racists.
I say this for THIS , as is NOW...New END TIME MOVE OF GOD..USA NATIONAL, on behalf of Hebrews 10:25 prophetic Book of Acts “SAFETY, HEALTHY, HOLY and JESUS CHRIST ALL ACCEPTING, RESPECTING AND KINDS
FOR ALL Newbies, Expats, Visitors, many visiting ministry Offices, both leader and lay…for this FRUIT was shocking, abusive and untoward MORE LATER
The following are 2 WORDS FROM THE LORD FOR THESE GIVEN 2021 Submitted as Selah to the Body of Christ:
Q. When did the first church apostles see someone they feared or suspected of being up no good and then ambush them in a public setting to accuse of evil yet without any prior polite, honorable, normal one to one private Matthew 18:15-16, meek Galatians 6:1 proper confrontation?
In the New Testament, there is no account of the apostles in the early church ambushing someone in a public setting to accuse them of evil without any prior polite, honorable, or normal one-to-one private confrontation. The principles of Matthew 18:15-16 and Galatians 6:1 emphasize a pattern of reconciliation and restoration in dealing with issues of sin or wrongdoing within the Christian community.
Matthew 18:15-16 (KJV):
“Moreover if thy brother shall trespass against thee, go and tell him his fault between thee and him alone: if he shall hear thee, thou hast gained thy brother. But if he will not hear thee, then take with thee one or two more, that in the mouth of two or three witnesses, every word may be established.”
Galatians 6:1 (KJV):
“Brethren, if a man be overtaken in a fault, ye which are spiritual, restore such a one in the spirit of meekness; considering thyself, lest thou also be tempted.”
These passages highlight the importance of addressing issues of sin or wrongdoing through a process of personal, private confrontation initially, and if necessary, involving a few witnesses or spiritual individuals for the purpose of restoration and reconciliation. The goal is to address the issue in a humble and loving manner, seeking the well-being and restoration of the person involved.
It’s essential to approach conflicts or accusations with a spirit of humility, grace, and a desire for restoration, following the biblical principles outlined in Matthew 18:15-16 and Galatians 6:1.
Jesus Christ was the highest office of ministry oversight. He was a prophet’s prophet. Please describe the meaning of the following Isaiah 11:1-3 (KJV) prophecy about the coming Messiah. His seer gifting was pure, not accusing, perceiving many devils on persons and “reading their minds” or vibes’ to save himself time.
“And there shall come forth a rod out of the stem of Jesse, and a Branch shall grow out of his roots: And the spirit of the Lord shall rest upon him, the spirit of wisdom and understanding, the spirit of counsel and might, the spirit of knowledge and of the fear of the Lord; And shall make him of quick understanding in the fear of the Lord: and he shall not judge after the sight of his eyes, neither reprove after the hearing of his ears.”
Q.DID Christ or His busy apostle disciples practice “deep scanning’ “spectral evidence” or divining or typecasting certain persons to avoid them, to spare them the expense or relating?
Q Did they far off spiritually discern to diagnose somebody to avoid speaking with them…underlying meaning: based upon their own power , Holy Spirit?
Q. Why did Jesus command to “ ‘weep with those who weep” in light of His surely exceeding busy, office prophet demands and hectic ministry schedule?
Q. AND when Jesus friend Lazarus, died and his good friends, the Sisters Mary and Martha were weeping and in deep grief… did Jesus scold the two women for being weak, having big baggage or unforgiveness…AND being ” overly emotional?”
No, neither Jesus nor His apostles practiced “deep scanning,” “spectral evidence,” divining, or typecasting certain persons to avoid them or spare themselves the expense of relating to them. These practices are not in line with the teachings or actions of Jesus and His disciples as recorded in the Bible.
Jesus demonstrated deep compassion and empathy towards people, regardless of His busy schedule or the demands on His ministry. He encouraged His followers to “weep with those who weep” (Romans 12:15), showing the importance of empathy and compassion for those experiencing sorrow or difficulty. Jesus Himself wept when He saw the grief of others, such as at the death of His friend Lazarus (John 11:35).
In the case of Lazarus, Jesus did not scold Mary and Martha for being weak or overly emotional. Instead, He demonstrated understanding and comforted them in their grief. Jesus wept with them and then proceeded to perform a miraculous act of raising Lazarus from the dead, displaying His power over death.
Jesus consistently displayed love, compassion, and understanding in His interactions with people, even amidst His busy ministry schedule. His teachings emphasize the importance of loving one another, caring for those in need, and showing empathy towards others.
It’s important to approach the study of Jesus’ life and teachings with a biblical perspective, relying on the accounts recorded in the New Testament to gain a clear understanding of His actions and teachings.
The Cross Body Unity /TCL “Tennis Ball Selah”
TAVEAU’S FINAL QUESTION: this is open ended
Based upon the fruit described above of the major office ministries which name themselves as “prophets” and America awaits many of their words… Due to the topic of who is true and who is false on the governing Ministry Last Days Church training horizon.
How many of you would mark these traits, which are Christian ministry repeated massive fruits, as true or false? Being that I can vouch that each and every one of these appears to Jesus, but has this side fruit ongoing.
Who is a false prophet, apostle, pastor, ministry, and who is not based solely on the fruits I Luke Eyewitnessed over 30-plus servant leader years?
How far do we go before we assess someone as the false prophet?
Comments: tclleadership@gmail.com
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(C)2023 Taveau D’Arcy All copyrights reserved under international copyright laws in conjunction with Ai.