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The Savior Christ told the unbelieving Sadducees” You err not knowing the Scriptures OR the power of God.**” Matthew 22:29
- When you survey “Christ accepting” “going to a local church” “being a member of a church” “being called to 5 fold office ministry” ..in this modern TV, passed down traditions, Nouveau Riche as well Nouveau Phariseeism..we must first examine what is “synthetic/human additives, inventiveness” in light of what Jesus Christ portrayed when He was alive on Earth in each on of His chief servant apostolic ongoing, RELATIONSHIPS.”
“Lord, hit us each over the head with a rock of Your own revelation” (Upon this Rock I will build My church and the gates of hell shall not prevail against it.) WE EACH need to be given our OWN “Holy Spirit revealed” solid rock of revelation for our ministry, business, life…in our PRIVATE RELATIONSHIP.. apart time with the Loving Lord.”(Via Ephesians 1:17 Pauline Apostolic Example)
As we enter toward the servant apostolic NEW YEAR..we’re preparing to minister PROPHETICALLY and have been training on it for 20 plus pioneering enduing (encountering much Levitical)years.Hence we’re going to teach on it, but do it as First Church might ..not DIVIDED into “speaking in tongues VS those NOT” and “Ministers who renew their minds and stand on God’s Bible promise VS the very many who are into PERCEIVING, DISCERNING the WORD from the LORD in Holy Spirit inward witness apostolic fountain FLOW. Toss in the temperate apostolic evangelical, multicultural and global, international intrinsic prophetic true leader VIBES..and we’ll have quite a BOOK OF EPHESIANS “RELATIONSHIP THEOLOGY” pure hearted COMMUNITY perceived UNITY which can resemble Ephesians 4 “apostolic unity in Common Doctrine which TRANSFORMS a local region” Submitted Selah
For some who don’t know..I was raised a Southern Baptist, yet was sent from age of 23 to “study the Lord’s ministers, their doctrines and their vocabulary, their Buzz Words and many different styles” I happened across two Brand New Mighty Moves ..starting (where I was at least able to discern /encounter some of them) was Jesus People /charismatic in 1970s. Then later many more, plus TV and nonlegalistic Word of Faith. Following that prophetic mighty moves and even many kinds of pure worship movements, Famous National Outpourings and events I was honestly truly blessed to be there as a Spiritual Fly on the Wall from BEFORE, DURING and now 25 -40 years LATER!!
And, having always been “into “”no division” “no sin in the camp” and against all bigotry, racism, bias and accusation, even some denominationalism..it always puzzled me, and sort of mildly bugged me, and also made me analyze, research and ongoing Berean Bible study…WHY the People who love God will not SUBMIT to “peaceful UNITY” (Ephesians 2:14, 2:19-10, Ch. 4, 5:21, leader Psalm 133)…..
Having begun “ministry” by somehow being invited to attend many area (that was before I relocated) pastor’s repentance, racial healing, cross denominational,urban-suburban cross town meetings, I realize that there was/is a “peaceful REMNANT”….. but that No Hidden Agenda nonreligious type has become barely noticeable on the spiritual radar..and is harder and harder to locate..(at least just now.)
AT least one may WONDER, DRAW CONCLUSIONS by observing “reproduced spiritual TRUE FRUIT”
BUT as that’s an extra long involved subject..we’ll stop right here with that..
BACK ON “BODY TRUE UNITY” which happens to be my, TCL, DFW LOF, and all we do “TRACK.”
CROSS TRUE BODY MINISTRY (“completing, rather than competing with one another ) BIBLE based, Holy Spirit STREAMS…
Therefore … I guess that just now we are pioneering ( another )one..
I got a chuckle a few years ago when I realized how much major prophetic Bible teaching FLOWS have affected CHURCH GOING, PERCEPTIONS OF MINISTRY and even though many started out in primarily rural, deep grass roots, even tending toward country…stemmed from or turned into pentecostal, charismatic and then “prophetic” etc..that even main stream denominations , like Assembly of God, once in a while white evangelicals and many dark skinned senior ministries..(I would suppose that due to my being no where near ‘spirit filled tongue talkers” as a deep south Southern Baptist, also descending from Presbyterian, Methodist..that God would allow my discerning ear to pick up on
1)New Ministry Vocabulary
2) and The Spiritual Abiding Trust Worthy..or not, in big finally mature…hindsight…Relationship Fruit that affected JESUS CHRIST’S good fully accepting Name..or else it really did not.
** Meaning: Before the following big generations took the ORGANIC FAITH TEACHING and did what they all wanted to with it. Plus add the TV Mixture of Celebrity and Capitalistic Achievement, Entertainment-Performance.
AND though I was way out in the deep middle income ministry rank and file, I recall how hearing the “renewing of the mind” “how to put faith in God’s promises” and even “believing for needed real provision” was mighty welcome. AND BIBLE GOOD NEWS.
Following the sudden death of my Father, and though the Lord led both my mother and kid sister to attend Kenneth Hagin’s Rhema Training Center, while I would fly out their on occasion, with one infant or the other, and while I was blessed and excited to sit under the faith anointing, I still did not swallow every single preached word WITHOUT Noble Berean Bible studying. And that was when the movement began to affect East Coast regions and the USA.
It was about 1983 when I recall hearing one local pastor complain about “denominational people who are stuck in their ‘traditions of men that make the move of the Spirit null and void” These were the NEW local area Word of Faith “5 fold” adherents.
Out in the newly relocated Wild Wild Deep Southwest Religious Patrician Celebrity Entertainment fully enjoyable mecca…the writer first ever realistically God thought to pen the words “Psalm 137 Leader Babylon” …when time after time I witnessed zero Holy abiding fear of the Lord in “5 fold office TV media strongly affected “in the pioneering ministry.”
And I had never encountered an entire network of super achieving, many chaotic, always into fund raising, Eli Temple High Priest compassion fatigued, empathy free I Samuel dull of discerning Temple Offices. (See big articles on http://www.taveauleader.com explaining the such (2014? 2013?)) NOTE: I Samuel Compassion Fatigued elder office (dubbed High Priesthood) aka Revelation 2:1-7 ‘Risk of losing their chief apostolic Lampstands.”
AND it was amidst this never ending ministry Certain Kind Subgroup that I felt the warning of the Lord for the sake of His Good Worthy Name, for the YOUTH and FUTURE of Christ’s entire Body..but also realized how the ravening wolves and many goats..were hurting the GOOD REPUTATION of GOD’S TRUE SHEEP. Hence I began to be much more assertive about WHO and WHAT is BIBLE TRUE and FALSE in our Submitted Selah ministry.
Plus I noticed the extreme emphasis on building, making big progress and ministry achievement, which transferred down practically everywhere into lay, but then affected the general society lay of the every part of the land. What was missing was including RELATIONSHIPS before ministry ACHIEVEMENT..thus I began to write and Livestream. (See 10 Bible relationships at the top of this home page.)
BIG CONCLUSION: Many of these extremely hard workers, come from extremely difficult prior lives. They get a hold of the naming and claiming, ready, memorizing, big planning and doing…so they proceed to ACHIEVE, TO WORK…and very often to please the Top Father…so they feel possibly self pressure, even associate peer pressure..to CONFORM.w (Nothing is wrong with that…everybody is looking to please and find favor with their prophetic DADDY!)..
AND MANY want to be just like FAMOUS BISHOP So and So, or famous FAITH PASTOR So and So..but while the FAMOUS TOP leader has beaucoup of first hand RIVERS OF DOWNLOADED REVELATION…many of them do not realize, fully understand just HOW the Famous Well Known Name GOT all of that.
“Lord, hit us each over the head with a rock of Your own revelation” (Upon this Rock I will build My church and the gates of hell shall not prevail against it.) WE EACH need to be given our OWN “Holy Spirit revealed” solid rock of revelation for our ministry, business, life…in our PRIVATE RELATIONSHIP.. apart time with the Loving Lord.”( Via Pauline Apostolic Style Ephesians 1:17)
Hint: Just like Apostle Paul received “His abundance of the revelations…”…and/or JUST LIKE MOSES on up atop the MOUNTAIN Exodus 33…….
..Here’s the HOW…most of WELL KNOWN NAMES were NOT at all well known, or well off..but they FIRST LOVED THE LORD and spent so much quality time apart with Him..that HE rubbed off on THEM.
HERE IS THE SECRET OF APOSTLE PAUL (who Holy Spirit wrote two thirds of the New Testament)
(in his own words, Ephesians 1:17, “ That the God of our Lord Jesus Christ, the Father of glory, may give unto you the spirit of wisdom and revelation in the KNOWLEDGE OF HIM:“**
** to really perceiver”KNOW THE LORD” ..in a pure heart to heart spiritually discerned, Bible always based…. true relationship…which is back and fort
h. Where as to KNOW MORE ABOUT the Lord is very different.I means learning, reading the Bible, getting facts, reading books, going to Bible studies..which are taking , action..NOT “just sitting to BE WITH the LORD aas if HE is invisibly right beside YOU”
And this is how I receive a lot of creative leader ideas, perceived words and messages,leader insights, even worship music,business ideas from the Lord (from hanging out with Him..in the Psalm 91 (always portable) Secret Place.
AND due to not understanding how the FIRST LOVE RELATIONSHIP with God is the primary PRIORITY not for just ministry but for ONE’S REAL LIFE.. it was very simple to observe that rarely, if any, among the persons who had NO FEAR OF THE LORD which, may I state, were each similar to the COMPASSION FATIGUED ELI HIGH PRIESTHOOD and LOST FIRST LOVE REV 2:1-7 Dry (huge ego) Lamp Stand…yet most, if not all were extremely committed to their spouse..even if both of them were working one or more jobs, plus senior pastoring, pioneering a church work.
PLUS I noticed how they many relied on other people’s teaching formula leadership, as maybe not having been raised with good role models,having been raised slip shod and /or having less than deep regard for what truly is the “5 fold office “Ye Must Be Born Again Ministry..I remember thinking: They are the NOUVEAU RICHE (meaning first in their family to ever get big money or power..) as well as the NOUVEAU PHARISEES “who have passed down traditions of pastor, shepherd, church going, what faith is, income but devoid of RELATIONSHIPS..(no, ministry/life achievement is TOP BIBLE TEACHING PRIORITY…
THUS we now have a GRASS ROOTS LOCAL FRIENDS AND FAMILY (relationship) LEVELS a 20 TV MEDIA AFFECTED, RELIANT CULTURE BYPRODUCT…culminating Fan Club Follower faith filled years.. but nobody seeks the mind of the LORD for themselves.. to get ORIGINAL HEAVY REVELATION.
WHILE I was out in area pastor/ministry leader cross denominational, big area gathers, I was still feeling God had called my own spiritual lineage to serve CROSS TRUE BODY..and not to “show that I preferred ONLY ONE “spiritual Type of Style” over another. (that is how I still am and will always be)…
Also, it was then that the Lord informed me that I was NOT to go to any Bible college or seminary.
The Living Lord gave me the Bible verse “You will have no need of any man to teach you, but the Holy Spirit will be your teacher.” I was directed to take ONE CLASS on the Book of Acts at a local Bible college, and I realized later that if I had not taken that one class, I may never have understood, or even heart of Hebrews 6:1 “Therefore leaving the principles of the doctrine of Christ, let us go on unto perfection; not laying again the foundation of repentance from dead works, and of faith toward God, (PS Big Thanks to Pastor Chuck Clawson who taught that)**
**STARK NOTE: If God had to direct me to take that one particular class, it reveals that the same Basic Intrensic Cord Leader Good Doctrine is not being widely taught. ( as I had never once heard it taught back then..or any time up until the Right NOW!)
AND NOTE: This is exactly how I feel about MISSING Book of Ephesians First Church…. RELATIONSHIP FAMILY UNITY big important verses:Ephesians 2:14, Ephesians 2:19-20, Eph entire Chapter 4, mutual leader submission Ephesians 5:21
I Corinthians 1: 12 “Now this I say, that every one of you saith, I am of Paul; and I of Apollos; and I of Cephas; and I of Christ.”
I Corinthians 3:3-4 “You are still worthy.For since there is jealousy and quarreling among you, are you not worldly? Are you not acting like mere humans? 4 For when one says, “I follow Paul,” and another, “I follow Apollos,” are you not mere human beings?“
In I Corinthians 1:12 and also in chapter 3 Apostle Paul commands all believers to not pick Leader Favorites. In fact, Paul openly rebuked the carnal Corinthians for trying to elevate HIS NAME ..and told them firmly to ONLY SAY that “they are followers of (Servant Apostle) Jesus”
HENCE by avoiding LAUDING well known NAMES of human persons and or Bible believe Groups I, and rest assuredly many OTHERS.. have been looked down upon, by many who DO.**
**TEAMMATE UNIVERSITY and DFW LOF, TCL regard that very popular habit, cult following Fellowships, as “a NEW TRADITIONS OF MEN” (which can also trigger accuser of the Non Religious Big System Follower and it breads “The In Crowd and the Out leader crowd in many Grass Roots gatherings. It is a real part of modern day Nouveau Phariseeism.
AND , for the leader record..I RESEARCH THE LIFESTYLE, RELATIONS, LOVE Of the TOP ORGANIC MOVEMENT LEADER…before the NEXT LEVELS who do not have the FIRST HAND GOD REVELATION get it and add who knows what to it.
IN THE WORDS OF APOSTLE PAUL in 2 TIMOTHY 3: 10″But thou hast fully known my doctrine, manner of life, purpose, faith, longsuffering, charity, patience,“
ALSO I have never been drawn to any other word of faith TOP FOUNDERS ….other than Kenneth Hagin, Sr and DFW Kenneth Copeland and a few of there immediate next generations accurate flow. (Ask me I will name them but not wanting to show Celebrity Office on a Pedestal…due to rampant immaturity celebrity out in the modern Christ following ranks. PLUS I never swallow anyone’s faith (any other message) hook line and sinker.
Plus I try to hear God myself and not “Carbon Copy” ANYONE ELSE’S MINISTRY.
I do love to watch You Tube, and I find God will use different ones in different storms and apostolic seasons.I also pretty much fully enjoy the dress down,Perceiver-Discerner Holy Spirit deep worship (deeply anchored in the Bible of course) (many styles spirit of prophecy)
Descending from my natural Baptist faith filled, inward witness of the Holy Spirit always led (for 2-3 generations back at least)I never felt awe struck by any one other than the GOOD LORD..
(80’sAlso around that time, many world wide servant apostolic leader real moves were being birthed. One such was that of the medical physician, whom I call the Apostle of Aerobics, Dr. Kenneth Cooper, begat that wellness movement and it played an enormous healthy part of transforming the sedentary inner contemplator into vigorous, quite lively and energized life long enthusiast.
MY SPIRITUAL BIO/ HISTORY: Emotionally Mature Southern Baptist, “Holy terror in the fear of the Lord, nonaccuser , but completely SOBER..”wrath to come”Reverend Billy Graham, Jesus People(CA John Wimber/Vineyard) “choosing to pick out what was primary Bible hay and accept only that.” Which I frankly put forth as “working out our very own salvation” and “choosing to be a Noble Berean.’
AND it was during the investigative 1980’s that I ever first recall hearing about Malachi 10:3 and then the many deep prosperity Bible teachings..VERY MANY GOD SENT and some that got perverted by the emotionally/spiritually immature or ignorant..or WOLVES among the True Sheep.
NOTE: I am voicing my OPINION and I am PRO EVERY MENTIONED REAL MOVE..but with the “let your own heart, the Lord and His Bible be YOUR ULTIMATE DOCTRINAL GUIDE”
NOWADAYS (since (submitting this) early 2000’s on..and maybe even before, as God sent me about, I noticed how churches would start to make fun of, to mock OTHER Bible teachers from their pulpit or their Radio,media. And not the websites, glossy accuser magazines.(NOT naming Good Names but they were NOT the Unbelievers doing the mocking) Local levels many made fun of the hairstyles, looks of different well known names.
I am so against accusation, tale bearing and childlike Hollywood Tattle Gossip, as it reveals competition, envy and accuser of the leader fellow brethren, motheren…so I would simply pull out of any kind of group who participated in such. Come to think of it…MAYBE that about the same time that God began to point out to me the many THOUSANDS who began to stop going to any local church…and now it is far far worse!
I also noticed the new OT Levitical Patriarch ( accuser producing) shepherding that eventually came into my former region, coming up from the deep south. And then I watched how TV Media created Boanerge Wannabe “Famous Name Followers” with a few Capital A (nonservant ) Chief Apostles (they claimed) who believed that God had “set them over all other ministers /lay in the Gates of the City” (due to some them perverting one famous persons’ good book…morphing it into excuse for PERCEIVING SIN and ruining reputations simply for not being ‘UNDER” their own form of Old Testament form of covering authority..
….but then also checking out every one else to see if they were “members of a local church” which, if you were NOT (as many were by then) were critically accused (black balled) of being “complaining undermining CHURCH HOPPERS” which also implied (to the Church Club Full Member) that THEY were in big Sin for “not fellowshipping with the saints ” Hebrews 10:25 which was a true sign of them being UNSUBMITTED TO AUTHORITY ..meaning that they were, for all intents and purposes, perceived to be “IN REBELLION.”
BUT OF COURSE, while these are only a tiny handful when compared with the modern day plethora of Kinds of We Are Saved Churches..one cannot help be reminded that Jesus, the Good Shepherd, placed so much value on the 1 that He told the parable about “leaving the 99 to go after the ONE”…..but… now you know how I feel…
FROM THE FIRST…”checking out everyone else from afar, not up front Matthew 18:15-17 one to one confronting, was not among the word of faith, Baptists, etc of the area. However, just like the First Church “yeast of the Pharisees” later this spread to very many and made small rural area a WHO ARE YOU/THEY “COVERED UNDER” spiritual minefield( religious narrow MIND FIELD)… which was rampant with dark demon suspicious sin spying, primarily charismatic witch watching and King Ahab and Queen Jezebel rampant abject fear.
SO when I got also misperceived...but never ever once up front (respectfully or otherwise) Mathew 18:15017 up front confronted, spoken with…YET what the hateful devil meant for evil…God actually turned it around for GOOD… For watching the accuser Friendly Fire Fall out affect so many..and seeing how many loving, true Jesus followers were not feeling safe in any local prophetic charismatic church…it repeatedly provoked me to dust off my Bible and go into NOBLE BEREAN FORM..and RISE UP TO BIBLE EQUIP.
Therefore…right now I love to teach on GOOD DOCTRINE so that local innocents,ministers, will also know and not go through the sin conscious self doubt and weird feelings of being accused, condemned and tried ..but for WHAT??? And now, admitting this in hindsight… AND BY WHOM..
Small Town Big Real Lesson:
(not alone but proud now to stand shoulder to shoulder with probably many hundreds) I was timid , aghast (Baptist, Catholics, well off, and spirit filled from servant leader elders, all dark skinned tongue talker preachers, NEVER. ONCE have that in their doctrines..)
ANYHOW..out of all of this Mixture of GOOD, some GREAT,even NEW Bible Teachings, I was there as the TV MEDIA, passed around CD’s (cassettes on up to MP3s,DVD now) was akin to the historical “oral tradition” and in all of that the “TITHE” NEED FOR FINANCES,and then God’s Bible Grace, intertwinted to de-stiffen most of the soul of the Christ follower sister and brethren..MOST. I even attended a Catholic charismatic (non-legalistic) group..and my sister and mother went to another in the mid 70’s in Norfolk, where Mother got a real healing of cancer (complete with doctor Xrays of before and after) ..so you will notice ..I am not very ONE SIZE FITS ALL but maybe ecumenical..(Cross Body in Unified Community)
SO THEN I watched in surprise as I began to hear Christian pastors who were accusers of the (perceived” PROSPERITY MESSAGE actually teach their own congregations using the same SEED FOR THE SOWER word of faith incorporated teachings.
- SECOND: NOBODY can hold them responsible for what ANY OTHER PERSON does with /does to their GOOD DOCTRINE
- THIRD: TRADING UPON ANOTHER FAMOUS LEADERS GOOD NAME is a commonly accepted Christian Celebrity Following BIG PRACTICE. (not all who say that they are “UNDER” “SPIRITUAL SON,DAUGHTER” are shallow and immature like that.RATHER indeed many TRUE ……as they HONOR and LOVE them so much.
One must never stereotype, but when there are vast droves across middle class America, around the world..strongly affecting deep FRONT LINES local deep grass roots..then we must at least discuss it in an effort to PRAY, seek the LORD and then remedy by BIBLE BALANCE in NATIONAL TV DOCTRINE.
(if you can believe it..)… NON ACCUSER… SELAH
YET,from my own perspective: I realize the error, fallout and false use of this TEACHING so that is why I FULLY RESPECT Kenneth Hagin and his core (organic, not legalism, not into covering) example..and much of Kenneth Hagin and I listen to them for bedrock sound applied faith. ON The OTHER HAND I sow and reap VERY CAUTIOUSLY and have diligently spelled out MY and DFW and TCL ministry wide TRUE ORGANIC PROSPERITY VIEWS as we KNOW how deep this teaching has gone in what I know call the TV MEDIA AFFECTED deep, mostly poor,very poorly parented, emotionally shallow, Deep Grass Roots.(NOT MEANING ALL but these are POCKETS all around USA)
SUBMITTED SELAH…With the Rise of the moving in the gifts groups, the SPIRIT OF PROPHECY also became widespread from 1990’s on (1991 is when I first experienced it) and worship music, Hosanna Integrity, others but then recently many more seerish, perceiver worshipping California Groups,east coast. Morningstar, IHOP, Brownsville, Missionary Baptists, the late Sister Ruth Heflin, Church of God in Christ, Bishop TD Jakes, descendants of Jesus People: Jesus Culture..and too many deep pentetostals to count..then when we see oversees USA but also THEIR influence IN USA…the Hillsong, Bishop Cho, many internationals,and world wide bishop,servant, chief apostolic true flows ..too many to name or to count.(Korean, African, Asia,Australia) world wide apostolic flow.
AND I notice…nearly all.. that if they did, do not want to be perceived as “Word of Faith” (many regarding it as “name it and claim it”) …still it strongly appears, most every one of them knows, has somehow internalized..the ORGANIC APOSTOLIC BASICS of first word of faith principles of SOWING AND REAPING, healing..but then they go on their “perceiving,hearing, discerning the WORD from the LORD in BIBLE TEACHING and WORSHIP MUSIC.
NOTE: I am for each method (but using the Noble Berean Ministry Filter, carefully winnow out what is HAY from STUBBLE but then refuse to other ACCUSE) as I firmly believe that EPHESIANS 2:14 is BODY UNITY “He is our peace, who has broken down ever wall of partitian, to make us all one.“
To each servant five fold office Christian elder leader, every mature lay, I submit this in respectul James 3:17 “pure, peaceable, easily entreated,full of mercy, good fruits, without any partiality or hypocrisy” as Pure Food for Realistic Thought.
Part 3 coming..ASAP..
MAIN POINT AM AIMING TO GET TO: how can we each take the BEST of each FAMOUS TRUE BIBLE BASED MOVE and USE the HAY but toss out the BIG STUBBLE?
“THOSE THAT know how the WORD WORKS can help those who know HOW THE HOLY SPIRIT AND POWER works and VICE VERSA
“Jesus told the local Sadducees, “You err, not knowing the Scriptures or the power of God”Matthew 22:29
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