(C)2015 Taveau D’Arcy All copyrights reserved
NOTE: This article is based upon what the writer has read in the Bible, but added to that,it follows asking the Lord Jesus Christ to be in her life and following the filling experience of the Holy Spirit. And, it was downloaded, ever so slooowly ‘inwardly revealed” in what can only be regarded as the ONGOING REAL LIFE OVERALL BIG PROCESS.
AND ALSO this (albeit) DISCERNER-PERCEIVER “sensing, knowing” is based upon much prayer, putting it into practice but then based ultimately upon the writer’s own discernment and Holy Spirit perception….all of which should NOT be regarded as ” etched in concrete” but as “subjective”…WHICH (presuming the wise reader is a NOBLE BEREAN) strongly implies) submitted to every inquiring READER as Selah “to pause to ponder and consider what this might mean”
PLUS… This one minute Submitted SELAH is based upon 40 plus years of repeated, personal, eye witness observation.
(C) 2015 Taveau D’Arcy All copyrights reserved
“For as many as are led by the Spirit of God, they are the sons of God.” Romans 8:14
(NOTE: JAMES 3:17 is a super discernment basic Scripture)
“The wisdom that comes from above is first of all pure, peaceable, easily entreated, full of mercy and good fruits, without partiality and without hypocrisy.” James 3:17
“God has not given us a spirit of fear, but of power, love and a sound mind.” 2 Timothy 1:7
“My sheep know my voice…” John 10:27
ISAIAH 30:21 ” And thine ears shall hear a word behind you, saying “This is the way, walk ye in it, when ye turn to the right hand, and to the left”
WHEN Taveau Creative Leadership, DFW Leader uses the humorous prophetic term “The PROPHETIC CAVE” it is based upon the office of the PROPHET needing to DISCERN and to PERCEIVE accurately the leader WORD as coming from the HOLY SPIRIT “inward witness” (perceived and spiritually discerned VOICE OF THE LORD)
TCL uses this term based upon ELIJAH the PROPHET being provided a CAVE from the LORD following his supernatural (surely must have been highly STRESSFUL) ministry leader intense repeated encounters with the wicked King Ahab, and demonic Queen Jezebel, plus the 450 false prophets of Baal.
AFTER this depleting life affecting encounter, the weary PROPHET ELIJAH flees to the cave, but not for a one night stay (like dropping by a Motel 6!) as he was in deep burnout. So following the God appointed TIME.. when ELIJAH’s own DISCERNER-PERCIEVER was feeling much more NORMAL and ALERT…God’s invisible, supernatural HOLY SPIRIT visited him and the Bible says “SPOKE ” (communicated) to him.
I KINGS 19:9 “And he came thither unto a cave, and lodged there; and, behold, the word of the Lord came to him, and he said unto him, What doest thou here, Elijah?
11 And he said, Go forth, and stand upon the mount before the Lord. And, behold, the Lord passed by, and a great and strong wind rent the mountains, and brake in pieces the rocks before the Lord; but the Lord was not in the wind: and after the wind an earthquake; but the Lord was not in the earthquake:
12 And after the earthquake a fire; but the Lord was not in the fire: and after the fire a still small voice.
ZERO ON THIS ONE: And after the earthquake a fire; but the Lord was not in the fire: and after the fire a still small voice.” I Kings 19:11-12
APOSTLE PAUL WRITES: ”Eye has not seen, nor ear heard, neither has entered into the heart of any (hu)man, those things which the Lord has prepared for those who love Him, BUT those things are revealed by the Spirit, for the Spirit searches all things, yea, even the deep things of God.” I Corinthians 2:9-10.
NOTE: This is the writer’s own personal perception of what is known as the HUMAN SOUL and SPIRIT: the human soul being viewed as the MIND, WILL AND EMOTIONS..each of which is a very very subjective realm which will certainly mass produce a lot of differing ministry, life view points.
FROM THE born again historical teaching perspective: (at the first I should explain what “born over again” it is a SPIRITUAL INWARD, intended to be TRANSFORMING, NEW LIFE IMPARTING, enduring manifesting experience. YET it is a person’s active CHOICE.
AND SO due to this writer being called to submit SELAHS to her senior ministry colleagues across the United States and around the WORLD..she also understands that via the internet, MANY different faiths could also read this..
….and so she WELCOMES and RESPECTS and ADVISES each and every human person to READ, PONDER and PRAY about each of these submitted hear way down DEEP inside YOUR OWN UNIQUE PERCEIVER (KNOWER) DISCERN SPIRIT SPOT…what the WITNESS of the LIVING LORD says about it to each one of YOU.
AND WHEN ONE accepts JESUS CHRIST into as personal Lord and Savior, He gives new birth to what used to be a spiritually dead, dull, barely perceiving and not always clearly discerning person’s natural spirit and imparts, spiritually QUICKENS it, to make it fully ALIVE and therefore MUCH MORE able to discern and perceive (inwardly spiritually “hear” what is commonly referred to in the Holy Bible as the I Kings 19:9 “still small voice” “the inward witness of the Holy Spirit” and “the voice of the Good Shepherd who gives LIFE to His sheep.”
THE HUMAN SOUL: every person’s very own human/ natural (all knowing?) MIND, WILL and very very subjective EMOTIONS.
PERCEIVING (trying to make it as simply as possible) THAT INTERNAL, SPIRITUAL, VERY SUBJECTIVE, SPECTRUM, which is also linked into where we notice the MIND REALM, the human WILL REALM as well as our EMOTIONAL REALM….
..but ad to all of this: Mix in the many various (judging from the numerous, varied, complex) HUMAN PERSONALITIES…
THUS there will be “all wise, all knowing” as well as “truly humble, pure hearted, truly seeking” as well as “dull of any spiritual discernment, happy to be clueless many unwise…
THUS we must make no FORMULAS, and advise forming NO this is a GROWING, SUBJECTIVE OPEN LEADER REALM…
REPEATING IT AGAIN: there will be many different STYLES, TYPES and SUBTYPES (including stronger, weaker, uneven displays of MIND , WILL, EMOTION fields…and the natural wearing, warring affects of living in the natural EARTH with personal human frailties, many personal choices, all relationships (see Side page about TCL 10 RELATIONSHIPS) and deep spiritual warfare (Ephesians 6:12″ We wrestle not against flesh and blood but against spiritual wickedness in heavenly places”)
So while we actually consider, dwell within and PERCEIVE AND DISCERN via the NATURAL HUMAN REALM VIEWPOINT ..unless we take time to regard this very UNSEEN PERCEIVED REALM and begin to learn how it ties in with the WARS, VIOLENCE, BIG FEARS, ANXIOUS WORRIES, FAMILY FEUDS and MINISTRY LEADERSHIP….(not to omit Racism, class wars and so forth)
AND the well known fact that EACH AND EVERY LIVING HUMAN must have a GAME PLAN for when this (only) LIFE truly ENDS and where ETERNAL NEVER ENDING LIFE BEGINS..and then proceed to make a BIG CHOICE about WHERE they intend to keep on dwelling.
(ASIDE) GOOGLE SEARCH “The Lamb’s Book of Life” I have never heard a single person speak on this seeming MAJOR TOPIC but I strongly feel that it Bible implies that
1) The Creator Heavenly Good Father evidently has what is termed ” The Lamb’s Book of Life” and
2) NOT ONE SINGLE HUMAN BEING is left out of it.
3) However, each human being is given a CHOICE to invite Jesus Christ into their own hearts as their personal Lord and eternal Savior..but then to practice being Bible book FAITHFUL, WILLING to be OBEDIENT 24/7/365 4) But as God intended to give each one of us HUMAN CHOICE, (He wants to have relationships with His very many CHILDREN) and thus He will not force, apply pressure or enforce harsh religious cloning to “MAKE” anyone “HAVE” to do this.)**
** But it is absolutely TRUE that Bible scriptural believing (as in very human) PERSONS have often REPEATEDLY (mis) applied the Bible teachings to force many persons, brow beat them, condemn them for NOT “inviting Jesus into their hearts” and (badly, very very sadly) have used BIBLE SCRIPTURE out of context to abuse, to confuse plus supremely DISTORT the whole NATURE of the MESSIAH, JESUS CHRIST, about getting “born again” and about “Christ following”
MAJOR INDIAN LEADER Mahatma Gandhi is said to have declared, ”I might have become a Christ follower had it not been for the Christians”.
AND after sadly witnessing (repeated) both finest spiritual WHEAT amidst very immature, spiritually dense, slack and sometimes abusive, very dogmatic, superior unreflective Me Centered, exceeding religious
big senior , rising, lay roving TARES…I now fully empathize with Mr. Gandhi.
THUS this apostolic not so timid perceiver writer will APOLOGIZE CERTAINLY to ALL, ANY, even YOU as a PERSON who may have been attacked or had religious unloving, very unkind Hate Speech, BIAS or LACK OF COMPASSION, REAL LIVING LOVE experienced by , coming from ANY so called “born again Christian” “pastor, “Christian minister, ministry” or errant, off their clear thinking rocker “roaming lay person.”
AND this is only one major reason WHY DFW LEADER /TAVEAU CREATIVE LEADERSHIP rise up and declare “REAL RESPECT FOR ALL KINDS OF HUMANS MADE IN GOD’S IMAGE PSALM 139 “…IFFM advocates REAL RESPECT for the OFFICE of EACH AND EVERY TYPE OF HUMAN (meaning from all races, political parties, denominations, beliefs, non beliefs, nations, etc)
CONTEMPLATION INSERT: JUST WONDERING if at least ONE of the tricks of our Enemy, Deceiver, Adversary satan would be to repeatedly TEST each one of us repeatedly to make us look at unfaithful, diseased HUMANS which seem to be at every leader turn…. to then make THEM responsible for turning away from accepting Jesus Christ into each of our hearts as Lord?
FURTHER choosing to DO THAT..would it not be “blaming the Loving LORD for what certain IMMATURE, clearly IGNORANT, NOT TRULY BORN AGAIN or simply DISEASED HUMANS actually did?
RIGHT NOW: I would invite each person to review the CHRIST FOLLOWER /MINISTER, IMMATURE LEADER/CHRISTIAN HUMAN who mistreated even accused you, maybe was a poor witness, dishonest, abusive, racially or religiously biased, this includes hurts /vile leader religious words, often misquoted Holy Bible versed, including coming from the TV/CHRISTIAN MEDIA, and the annals of which include PERSECUTION in every fine readers OWN HISTORY.
For bitterness, hatred, bias, keeping OUR VERY OWN UNFORGIVENESS against any ONE of, or a MINISTRY BIG GROUP of them or a NATION or RACE (perceived as being ONE , appearing LIKE they appear to LOOK) will NOT ever hurt any of THEM..but keeping that BIG RESENTMENT, overall UNFORGIVENESS via major STEREOTYPE will (again NOT hurt any of THEM) but will wind up harming YOU.
HERE IS HOW: Hatred, resentment, bitter repressed deep anger will indeed HINDER, BLOCK and eventually DESTROY what is the deepest GOOD deep inside it will cause your private PERCEIVER, DISCERNER, including you MIND, EMOTIONS AND WILL to become too mentally, emotionally HARD , TOUGH, SELF RIGHTEOUS..following turning that then MEAN, ACTING OUT, RAGING, TURNING VIOLENT or sitting in SELF PITY and radiating HARDNESS, LACK OF GENUINE REAL LOVE..which is PERCEIVED and DISCERNED by many others all around YOU.
PS Wouldn’t it be nice if each and every individual who reads this would RISE UP to take responsibility to do JUST THIS..meaning whether or not they EVERY invite Jesus Christ into their hearts as Lord and eternal Savior.
PS Let the SPIRIT OF THE LORD witness to YOU way down DEEP in YOUR “PERCEIVER/DISCERNER.” (aka private heart of hearts)
SUBMITTED IN JAMES 3:17 RESPECTFUL (yet far from perfect) realistic thought provoking ministry SELAH.
SURELY…a lot more to cover this hard LIFE topic COMPLETELY.But enough for now.
(C) 2018 Taveau D’Arcy Creative Leadership All copyrights reserved