WHO’S “OVER” and SUBMITTED “UNDER” WHOM is ‘YOOOGE’ within many parts of the Western Prophetic, Mostly Praying in Other Tongues, “Christian Body Parts”…and along with that the MAJOR MIGHTY Past Down Traditions of “Males and Females” in Relationship with Being That. And when it is accusative, negative, blackballing…it opens up onto the great topic of WELP (Western European Levitical Patriarchism)(my term for “Deep South, OT overseer shepherding”)
NOTE my own life WELP Pharisee experiences top of this home page ODE TO WELP (Pharisee Friendly Fire NEEDLESS ,Fully Unfair, indeed RELENTLESS Fruit) AND SUCH the discovery (mid 90’s till now) required prophetic ministries full doctrine examination, which then proceeded to fire up the Noble Berean within. And it laid the deep.. akin to Luke the Eye Witness….and many First Hand Encounters, preparatory groundwork for what I now prophetic teach. A BY PRODUCT : “Apostolic Enduring JAMES 3:17 Abiding Relationship Theology “IN EVERY ONE OF MESSIAH JESUS RELATIONSHIPS IN 1) REAL LIFE 2) IN MINISTRY…(GOSPELS) MATTHEW,MARK, LUKE, JOHN..HOW DID JESUS “ACT” AND “REACT” IN EVERY SINGLE ONE OF HIS RELATIONSHIPS. (HE NEVER ONCE ACCUSED) AND IT WILL REVEAL “THE OT CRITICAL ACCUSER LEVITICAL LAW” OR NOT. www.relationshiptheology.org
(C)2020 Dr Taveau D’Arcy All copyrights reserved
Connect: dfwleader@Gmail.com
FOR THE LEGALISTIC ONES who believe that all “Women” must remain silent. I will simply share what Sr Pastor Rod Parsley wrote in his REFORMATION BIBLE concerning the Old Testament office prophet, national Hebrew Nation judge,mighty DEBORAH. who settled disputes between men and women and ever road out to war with a general who was too cowardly.
What (himself no legalistic doctrinal WELP, but Isaiah 11:2 “powerful and mighty”) Pastor Parsley stated was the following :” When God looks around the nation of His people and cannot find enough Godly qualified real men…He then calls out the women”
SO,I would guess that means that the Christ Following real MEN, ought to RISE UP. For there are a powerful many MIGHTY lady leaders..right NOW!
OFFERING COMFORT TO THE MINISTRY AFRAID: “Office prophet Deborah was wed to Lapidoth,(my nickname LAPTOP) and even though he did not participate in her office judging, he surely was the head of house hold and welcomed home his BIBLE Cherished Weaker Vessel, each night after work. When they both parked their (equally yoked) mantles of authority by the door and took off and enjoyed being home together!
ALSO..For the religious stickler who would quote Paul, I Cor 14:34-35 “(All men) “Let YOUR women silent in the church and let the husbands train them at home”
1. ASSESS: This Intrepid She is the overseer of the DFW Leader ONLINE Ministry Fellowship. So that may soothe YOUR conscience. ” (BUT there one day MIGHT be on on New Turf Land. But ONLY if God truly allows,wants. )
2. Yet, it commands the MEN to keep “THEIR” women silent (as they were back then untrained Gentiles, to whom Paul was chiefly SENT and the females were not educated, OR trained UNDER The OT Law, like many of the Hebrews had been. ..Hence, they shouted out. Still if we take the command as to men to keep THEIR women silent, it would refer to ONLY women in their family, spouse, UNDER Their authority /chain of command.
Assess all of this as SELAH
3. Revelation 2:18 CHURCH OF THYATIRA: “there is a false prophetess named JEZEBEL who teaches false doctrine. Thus historically everyone (noticeably mostly MEN) ‘accuse and blame shift ” over that it is JEZEBEL that is the PROBLEM.
YET WE NOTE: if we read the passage carefully
A) God rebukes the Overseer Pastor Apostle who was a MAN, for being too afraid of the FEMALE prophetic teacher, and was allowing himself to be controlled via “fear of female” as the HEAD OFFICE HE…was too timid to UP FRONT (am guessing: Matthew 18:15-17/Galatians 6:1?) UP front CONFRONT the evidently imposing errant HER and SET the Fierce Her Leader DOWN.
B) HOWEVER if, (according to legend) “ZERO” “NO” WOMEN were allowed to teach in a First Church, then evidently someone in the First Thyatirian Church had hired and then ALLOWED THIS LEADER PROPHETIC WOMAN to ongoing teach and have a position of trust and authority.
HOWEVER, when picking that particular leader female, whoever chose her to be on the ministry staff, happened to choose the WRONG Leader LADY.
I’ve taught this an awful lot,but intentionally left out many Scriptures and points today.
YET, I can still submit this as a James 3:17 SELAH, for not a women’s libber, as was raised FREE and NOT BACK UNDER THE LEVITICAL LAW.
SUBMITTED AS SELAH not as Autocratic/critical leader all wise DOGMA!
(C)2020 DFW Leader Ministry Fellowship all copyrights reserved