You ask HOW this leader discovered WE GLOBAL VS WE CENTRIC ?
This is the answer: The hard way!
(C)2018 Taveau D’Arcy Creative Leadership All copyrights reserved
Starting at age 24, God’s Holy Spirit commissioned this pioneering leader to ‘surf His multicultural diverse winsome Bride, and to study leaders, their pet doctrines, their dislikes, their relationship with God and others, and other groups. He asked me to note their ministry”Red Flag Buzz ” words..all of which I then proceeded submit to…REASON WHY (assessed 1976) “Because ONE DAY I will have YOU use what you have seen and you can help build bridges within My Bride.”
It was alone this very slow, winding, extremely long, at prison cell (several) many year times, that God somehow conveyed to me the many (now need to ALL of us know) differences in MANY spirit filled, tongue talking and not groups…yet this article today is not about that. Rather it is HOW and WHAT ACCUSER Type leader fruit opened what turned out along His Way, to be these (ministry fair) office prophets eyes…and what In Leader House reactions to a middle aged, fair, very tall (5’10)timid, perhaps intense but was under great attack, but this WE GLOBAL SHe has never been a controller…( I state this, understanding that aWE CENTRIC /WELP might read this. Therefore, as they are BIG into AUTHORITY and always searching/spying for demonic CONTROLLERS..then I feel that I must explain that I’m NOT… in a direct manner…as they go to any lengths to avoid hearing something they view as unpleasant)
…but when key times of being accused, attacked, distanced from ..while simply at a conference, a revival, a March for Jesus…..as a newbie …very soon served to awakened the apostle, PROPHET from what had been super quiet ,submitted ONLY very peaceful, abiding in continual all relationship, ministry James 3:17 fruit…REAL REASONS FOR being bold:
1) God wanted me to see what HE was seeing in many similar types of USA , recent area fellowships…as they are ALL under the same leader spiritual doctrine.
2) God talked to me about the FALL OUT from accuser CHRISTIAN and GOSSIP, RUMORS, leader, conforming lay Backbiting, allowing making progress, being successful, performing great achievements was robbing His Good Best Quality Fellowship Name to ones who were NOT just like “these particular TYPE” ..”doctrine”
I was ‘racially profiled” by ONLY certain kinds, and God pointed out then it was CAUCASIAN, none of whom had barely anyone of a different than solid white color on their podium, leader staff. AND I understand we should not “just pick a token to please ministry people” However, as a one who has been mainly SENT to dark skinned ministers, I could have given the helpful TIPS and POINTERS of what they could be doing to make African Americans feel more accepted and welcome.
However, within MY own Western European heritage senior ministers, churches, I could discern and assess the full acceptance, real leader respect and the sincerity, lack of Me BIAS..which I now understand now, I was raised NOT back UNDER the OT Levitical Law by my Southern Baptist mature pastor (in hindsight) WE GLOBAL dear apostolic father. He got along with persons of all races, socio economic, educational backgrounds and genuinely loved, respected my capable, real leader woman, goodly wife, this writer’s mother.
To avoid a super long article, I will just say, that the US WAKE UP CALL prophetic Sent Messenger apostolic, attention getting teaching and the Barista Fellowship and FRIENDLY FIRE FELLOWSHIP “2 Timothy 3:1-5” EMERGE FROM CHURCH http://www.emergefromchurch.wordpress.com
Plus the leader “anti accuser” doctrine and DFW LEADER, DFW Leader ONLINE Ministry Fellowship each is a result of understanding, showing compassion for, the ones who also have had their good name smeared by a local FF Fellowship. And to (respectful) share, even if using shocking up front deliberate comments..about WHY the USA is going to hell in a “covering authority “WELP, WE ARE THE WORLD Apostolic WE CENTRIC immature handbasket.
That’s enough for now, more later.
I will share a note beside any picture which was spawned by WE GLOBAL of WE CENTRIC
WE GLOBAL explained: these persons are mostly at ease interacting with all races. Most of them are more laid back, usually tribal, most have had close friend, experiences interacting, fellowshipping with and fully enjoying people of other races, tribes and styles. Dr Taveau may LOOK Caucasian, however she if actually WE GLOBAL…and feels a bit uncomfortable, odd, when immersed in a group of WE CENTRIC as it is NOT the real her. WE GLOBAL may be more artsy, unique /eclectic OR NOT..Most ever WE GLOBAL is very open, accepting, respecting to ALL races, all many kinds of people.
WE CENTRIC summarized “We are the world” “We RULE” “We view ourselves as OVER every other person, every other race” and 1) Some are clueless, and do it not intentionally, (as they never knew any other race, any other kind, style of person then THEIR VERY OWN PET STYLE) Thus.. that’s why I put it bluntly. As WE CENTRIC can run a spectrum of “clueless but loving ,giving, well intended” to “biased, racist and HATE SPEECH ALT really worrisome groups.) We should ask the WE GLOBAL, all other RACES to please have mercy and check out the enduring FRUIT by JAMES 3:17 ongoing behavior, THE WE CENTRIC which are sweet, patriarchal generally HAVE NO EXPERIENCE due to where they lived, how someone else raised them NOTE I am not calling WE CENTRIC all RACIST as they are NOT
PS Human persons from other races, YOU can in depth research YOUR own race for AFRICAN CENTRIC, AFRICAN GLOBAL, etc As that is NOT my call. I am fond of all the other races, and have NEVER NOT being fully respected by anyone of a dark skinned non Western European heritage culture.
HOWEVER this real office prophet HAS been repeatedly “TOUCHED” by some within the all wise WE CENTRIC who justified it by their Old Testament Government Levitical Legalism. But more another time
COMMENT BELOW INSPIRED BY…WE CENTRIC (began 1990’s but continued in DFW and even a short Newbie Visitor time ago)
ACCUSER BIASED MODERN MEDIA INSPIRED ME TO SUBMIT THIS TO ALL “YE MUST BE BORN AGAIN” LEADER, LAY, MEDIA MINISTERS,and out of church, including homosexuals**, demeaned by Religious Right (most likely WE CENTRIC authoritarian types as WE GLOBAL would never do something that mean and hard hearted, disrespectful)
** I can fully respect ANY BODY, because they are made in God’s IMAGE Psalm 139. I do not have to agree with each of their personal theology..and never do they have to with mine!
But I can still show them each JESUS FULL RESPECT…which is the first step of understanding the LOVE of GOD ….. and then later, they can each and make their own CHOICE. I am NOT God’s Holy Spirit and HE never dominates, Bible Beats Down or in any way DEMEANS.
BELOW: Spawned by WE CENTRIC, WELP (OT Levitical Patriarchism) producing governmental gossip and big ministry accusation, resulting in also FF FELLOWSHIP “from such turn away” and EMERGE FROM CHURCH
BELOW: in spirited by deep southwest hasty, less than deep, not so apostolic mature and who is “hail fellow well met” but assessed in WE CENTRIC charismania
BELOW…inspired again, by recent WE CENTRIC…..Friendly Fire Critical Fellowships, now blocking JESUS diverse mega moves. WHY because they see all people as UNDER them, and all people (in their doctrinal fruit produced) “Be in their places with bright shiny faces” …I could nickname them as naive, inbred, overly well read…and blocking WE GLOBAL,the majority of dark skinned, atypical, artsy, other faiths, from seeing the MIDDLE EASTERN, various different tribes of homeless, tribal, down to earth, NOT into hierarchy or by passing RELATIONSHIPS with religious RIGHTNESS…. Now currently assessed as “Jesus’ very own heartbreakers.”
BELOW :Repeatedly inspired by frivolous, shallow, even some clueless, doctrinally seeming vapid hugely WE CENTRIC religious WE are the WORLD area
AGAIN: WE CENTRIC WELP (Western European Levitical Patriarchism,) shepherding, Came in in the 80s and widespread mostly only within big national ministry groups /autocratic governing denominations, who move in the Holy Spirit
BELOW: says it all
Below..WE CENTRIC and WE GLOBAL kernal explanation
Below..Another WE CENTRIC
BELOW Am a SENT one,however ONLY the WE CENTRIC avoid, accuse, as they don’t understand ,really WANT anyone who is NOT just like immature WE CENTRIC people pleasing….. much less a multiple leader office authority female,
BELOW…believe me when I say…WE CENTRIC…they DO see convenient/ religious stereotypes
WE CENTRIC/WELP: Origin of the Compassion Fatiqued,big compromising, dull of discerning,I Samuel Eli Temple High Priesthood,who, from afar, long distanced accused the lone woman at the temple steps. But it turns out that Eli unjustly accused the mother to who would be the first prophet in the Hebrew Nation SAMUEL. Later Eli and his associate minister pitiful hedonistic compromising sons, had God bring judgement. ICHABOD “the glory of the Lord has departed’ and shortly both Eli and his main ministry staff (both his sons)all were dead. Assessed ELI TEMPLE HIGH PRIESTHOOD as akin to REV 2 “Letter to church at Ephesus” Lost FIRST REAL LOVE.
WE GLOBAL..into RELATIONSHIPS, REAL RESPECT for all RACES, types, styles of human people. Hence http://www.relationshiptheology.org as Taveau D’Arcy, DFW LOF are ministry wide, WE GLOBAL.So this site was made for any WE CENTRIC and are any legalistic, critical clueless.
TRUTH. Says it far to plain. Deep South WE CENTRIC /WELP ..3 times
BELOW ..WE CENTRIC, WELP (controlling doctrines, apart from Matthew 18;15-17, Galatians 6:1 willingness to confront and/or to be leader respectfully confronted and/or held directly accountable
WE CENTRIC (assessed mostly as LUKE WARM, overly PC Sweet Baby Jesus ONLY… VS WE GLOBAL (respectful ,abiding James 3:17 accepting RADICALS). This very narrow “nice, pretty” view excludes those NOT presently seen in ANY local fellowship: liberals, green eco, deep intellectuals,many from other races, cultures, other more agressive non white faiths, non solid Caucasion human peoples, and/or bad ass, and avante garde non legalistic “Sweet Baby Jesus” overly sugary,assessed as sachirrin.
BELOW, WE CENTRIC.Gained my own revelation of this from having it happen too repeatedly as a visitor newbie, abused wife, and WE GLOBAL who showed up and was mistaken for a crazymatic Queen J/W worrisome In House Word by WE CENTRIC who were /many are WELP . This helped provoke EMERGE FROM CHURCH http://www.emergefromchurch.wordpress. Simply because TRYING TO GO FEEL THE LOVE OF JESUS at a church should never be viewed as ACCUSATIVE, A BOTHERSOME FEARFUL PARANOID PLACE and zero NOBODY should have their BACKS BITTEN simply for trying to please GOD and his Hebrews 10;25 “do not forsake fellowshipping’WORD with many false doctrines intermixed. AND I still feel that same way and WARN these Patriarchal styled groups to temper their accusative sin conscious LAW.
FOR ALL OF US, all races, faiths, beliefs, and genders
WELP /WE CENTRICS often complain about “church hoppers” and blame people for NOT “being submitted in a local WE CENTRIC, usually WELP Pharisee church”…and they murmur, complain among their “Poor Ole Me” conscientious selves. So this is a verse to wonder about.
Also Psalm 132 : 9 and 16. Please Google. Says the the CONGREGATOINS attitudes are the result of the HEART condition of the PRIESTS (pastors, offices)
Sow and harvest… but be careful what you ingest. DOCTRINES make the Fellowship, Family, Real Life WORLD Go Round
SEE http://www.dfwleader.org CLUELESS (parody of FEELINGS) June 18, 2018
Respectfully submitted as Noble Berean Selah
To sow a love offering..
(C)2018 DFW Leader Ministry Fellowship All copyrights reserved