2015-02-04 12.34.24


“Why this usually happy, pleasant writer was /am not one bit surprised with the recent findings with the fact that the percentage of USA Christian has plummeted. IF you take time to review my writings, videos for the last 9 (NINE) will see that is EXACTLY what I was addressing….THUS I am not one whit ashamed …as God always has a remnant..and THEY are alive and VERY WELL ( translating…meaning “IN THE LORD”).



(C)2015 Taveau D’Arcy All copyrights reserved

“One may agape love and respect another yet still find it more joyful, accepting and peaceful… to do that sitting in a far off place of safety. ” Dr T. D’Arcy

if we keep a pure heart attitude…whether or NOT we believe identically….

“Is there a modern FALLING AWAY or a DRIVING AWAY?” #TCL

“One way of avoiding personal responsibility is quote convenient Bible verses out of use confusion to self justify and accuser blame shift back onto the person who wants to hold YOU responsible’

“”The just shall live by faith..but the self justifying live by blame shifting” Dr. TD’A

2013-09-17 21.23.02

While this writer has been a Christ follower from age 9, rededicated at 16, and at other times, since….

AND WHILE this female apostolic senior leader has been in servant leader ministry since during college…

AND THEN in “official” “public pioneering head leader ministry” developing since 1986… this fully seasoned SHE has NEVER in her life witnessed, been repeatedly subjected to and grown exceedingly heartbroken, deeply mistrustful of, very long suffering WEARY…. as well as refuses to become accustomed to ..AND THIS IS DUE to what this GENERATES down in the middle income mostly GRASS ROOTS (aka “down deep in the congregation, family, leader community”).

AND FOLLOWING nearly 40 years of mixing, mingling, attending, ongoing fully studying, attending many HUNDREDS of apostolic meetings, being in mature pastors’ ministry fellowship… I have become majorly DISTRESSED ,even appalled at WHAT goes on under the Good Name of “BEING IN MINISTRY” and in mature “CHRIST FOLLOWING.”

But this “She” Human has lately found it DRY AS TOAST and has (for God’s leading) dropped out from continuing to try to find “ministry accountability” (ongoing… IFFM has a board)..which “middle class, mostly charismatic, NON ORGANIC (contains human added ingredients) somewhat PACKAGED “5 fold office” TV and media now being strongly affected “in the Pioneering Senior Ministry.”

The MANY last few deep southwest pioneering years, have not been happy ones…UNTIl God showed me that it’s all about MISSING LEADER DOCTRINE SPIRITUAL TRUE FRUIT….and so, due to all of that, and understanding that my GOD is a BIG BIG PIONEERING LEADER, this “human real person” no name writer, has written countless repeated apostolic doctrine SELAHS most of which are in deep archives on but all throughout the VERY MANY apostolic blogs, which are all collected conveniently on (DFW Leader Fellowship E Magazine being but one….and MANY Others…)

I have come to find that one must not take ANY BODY who TELLS ME that they are a “Christian” and/or a “senior minister” at first, with a grain of salt and a bit of suspicion.

THIS comes following MORE THAN MY SHARE of up close and personal leader, ministry rude encounters) so that NOW I will NOT ACCUSE and “non Christ follower”….. as I find that THEY are far more open, respectful and too often less patronizing, dependent on the higher ups, and much more respectful to senior leader apostolic leader THE SHE?”MOTHER.”

“Honor thy father AND thy MOTHERS ….so that it will go well with you and you will dwell long in the land which the Lord thy God has given you.”

The final leader straw, when I started to fully become aware of disrespectful /bigoted leader doctrines which contained Old Testament Phariseeical Levitical Legalism, elite elevated Nicolaitans,and country wannabe, different diva senior ministry and with that all ministry grass roots levels of celebrity

BUT THIS SORT OF PROPHETIC MINISTRY FRUIT had NOT been so prominent.. over on the east coast..meaning though the DOCTRINES had been breeding a cast of Famous TV Apostolic Leader made up in their Always So Very Right Mind, “Wannabes”…the majority of them still had “discernment” and the abiding “holy fear of the Lord” as well as a modicum left of sincerity, caring albeit human compassion and MOST of them, in senior pioneering ministry, and rising junior, leadership lay, also had the ORGANIC FLAVOR of being truly knowledgeable about RELATIONS being an integral, if not main part of “born again ministry” and CHRISTIANITY.

That does NOT now happen to be the case…at least in this and perhaps VERY local grass roots parts of the popular worship culture of the charismatic, prophetic UNITED STATES.


THUS after the Lord instructed this human person in 1976…to begin to study the doctrines, the leadership, the ministry vocabulary and different various STYLES of His “born again, Bible believing” Christ Following TRIBES,meaning DENOMINATIONS,SUBGROUPS..(so the “I can get you to help build bridges of unity among My True Body”) I simply thought about that..and then just said, “OK LORD, I accept that challenge.”

AND due to GOD being so WONDERFUL and LOVING and having been raised by a HAPPY CAMPER Senior pastors (emotionally healthy, true and organic, non self seeking supportive extended, leader all born again family) I never EVER suspected that it would be senior leadership in lower level, grass roots, mostly front lines ,pioneering leaders and the caustic critical spiritual, rivalrous fruit that was being mass produced …would ever drive me away..from feeling SAFE in closely “fellowshipping with the leader senior office deep southwest saints”)

YET, when MAMMON is BIG and Bible RELATIONSHIPS are not deemed VALUABLE…we then find real reasons for 2 TIMOTHY 3:16-17, “instruction, doctrine, reproof, correction” and one then researches FIRST CHURCH ROOTS for (hopefully locating) TRACES of “organic first LOVING Church” in the modern day 5 fold offices…then on way down…to lay..

BUT when a human sane person has what is now called a “office of the apostle, the prophet” then that same human person, must understand that SHE, HE/THEY are not just being SENT to spy, to notice in order to CRITICIZE or ACCUSER or to elevate ones own SELF to SIT IN UNLOVING JUDGEMENT…but instead they are “SENT MESSENGERS” who are going to walk PROPHETICALLY to see HOW they are treated, regarded, even respected by/among the ones who each profess to say they OFFICiALLY REPRESENT THE PROPHETIC MINISTRY OFFICE..and among the rising, junior ,potentially one day offices, lay……and to then duly note the SPIRITUAL ADING MINISTRY/CONGREGATIONAL DEEP FRUIT.

Following nearly 40 years of being SENT PERSON..the Good Lord realized how unloving and turning big time caustic much of the ministry doctrinal /affecting community FRUIT was..and how unsavory…but also how UNSAFE it was..due to the lack of perception, accurate judging/discerning due to what the writer repeatedly continued to note:

  1. Missing “sabbath time apart”(Isaiah 56,Lost First Love) Rev 2 Church of Ephesians) instead, fast fix formulas, hurried, time pressured ministry..NO time off for First Love Lampstand Lifestyle (no sabbath apart, missing First Love intimate relationships)

  2. Apostolic “God’s people, ministry leaders, being blessed” “achieving more in MY/OUR OWN ministry” was taking higher presidence OVER “all apostolic BIBLE RELATIONSHIPS** See PAGE above which describes all 10..

  3. Great sheep mixed in with big controlling, even( very many) cunning,defrauding goats.


BUT THEN, shockingly so, for my very first time EVERY in LIFE and in SR MINISTRY..did I repeatedly encounter ministry, congregation, even 5 fold office BIG GENDER BIAS, patronizing chauvinism/deep deep respecter of persons spirits, and even misogyny

and mingled in with all of this… Western European elite PATRICIANISM, elevated ministry Fan Club following CELEBRITY with ever popular Big I’s with great hosts of adoring club members and even a few die hard blind ministry followers.

When it strongly appeared that those whom one would meet face to face, and who stated that they were “born again Christians, senior ministers” were not to be presumed to automatically be viewed as honorable and even trustworthy, then one had to turn to, to RUN to the LIVING LORD to ask HIM how one must handle all of this..and how to APPROACH “finding fellowship with the apostolic saints.”
It was then, that God began to communicate, to reveal. I would just one day open my Bible and GOD would cause verse after verse to give this no famous name SISTER key Scriptures, such as about LEVIATHAN SUPERIOR PRIDE (Job 41, Psalm 123)

AND ABOUT “escape clauses” for Hebrews 10:25 “do not forsake fellowshipping with the saints as some have done.”.

2 TIMOTHY 3:1-5

AS WELL AS ABOUT “LPV” (common human sins..Lust Pride Vanity)

AND ALSO ABOUT “MAMMON, MINISTRY MATERIALISM” as compared to I TIMOTHY 6:6 “Godliness with contentment is great gain.”
(“Turn away from all who proclaim that GAIN is a sign of God’s BLESSING)

AND the spiritual modern, and apparently POST CHRISTIAN…

which is ONE reason WHY this her-writer took to reading APOSTLE PAUL’S many writings..all about LEADERSHIP, WORK BIRTHING, and all the many ongoing RELATIONSHIPS…and all of this, right smack dab in the middle of NO PRIOR LEADERSHIP EQUIPPING “CHRISTIAN” TRAINING to pull out to consult. AND how PAUL was writing to FIRST CHURCH apostles who were living in a MULTICULTURAL, PRE-CHRISTIAN INTERNATIONAL ENVIRONMENT…just as we are right TODAY..yet THEY had NO ANXIOUS FEAR..and did not see suspected WITCHES and JEZEBELS in the fellow CHRISTIANS….

and the First Church leaders, all of whom were forced to FAST AND PRAY for HOW TO’s downloaded by the Loving LORd…did not have LEVITICAL RULES BASED LEGALISM..meaning NO Big I’s, Little You’s NO racial, denomination division and certainly NO idol worship of OTHERS or APOSTOLIC MINISTRY ACHIEVEMENT,MINISTRY HIERARCHY and /or neither did they comport themselves as offices, whereas to imply that ALL THE OTHERS must bow down to any of them…for they were (IFFM apostolic views) were all SERVANT LEADER, NON ELEVATED PROPHETIC, OFFICES. prophetic authority, overseer pride in office and (at least, way back First Church then)..the lay congregation had not been apostolically mentally worn down to SUBMIT to all doctrines, particular apostolic DOGMA,meaning without Noble Berean direct examination of it…

THUS this experienced, non novice but very apostolic , office of the prophet, non suspicious writer…has dropped off from being an ‘official part” of “what is now widely regarded as (meaning apostolic charismatic) but still agape respects all those who are within.


  1. TAVEAU CREATIVE WISDOM require my top priority to work to develop..complete with meetings, 5 fold ministry counseling, consulting and WORSHIP, BIBLE DOCTRINE… upcoming UNIVERSITIES.

IFFM will focus on that but continue to film, and attempt to grow, to develop the IFFM LEADER ONLINE MINISTRY FELLOWSHIP..
more later on this

YET, I am NOT “linked in with, part of” ANY official/formal, senior pastor’s subgroup and/or apostolic divisive form or office branch. IFFM is “Book of Ephesians Cross Body True Unity” (to see that explained in depth, see PAGE at top of this site)

IFFM (nonprofit 501c3) will primarily be OVER “IFFM HIS ARM OF MERCY CHARITIES”

Lessons, music, composing, Bible equipping, hosting major conferences, wisdom consulting and web,high tech, networking, and speaking will all be UNDER TCL.

I am SO VERY HAPPY being apart from all of the NON RELATIONSHIP “5 fold office” divided GRASS UPPITY ROOTS.

AND have remarked to many that in all of entire leader, increasingly LONG real LIFE..this human person, who happens to come in the EARTH SUIT of a Western European ancestry HER…has never been so Godly content and very HAPPY….EVER!

Blessings and GOD BLESS.

“CROSS BODY SERVANT AT LARGE PIONEERING SR MINISTRY”…adding a bit of “nomenclature to help each reader to clearly PERCEIVE and rightly DISCERN.

MORE COMING …when/as God allows..

(C)2015 TaveauCreativeLeadership All copyrights reserved

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