
WE NEED TO CONCLUDE..as this has been lengthy..but now the NEW HOT TOPIC is soon to emerge
GONE WITH THE LEGALISM...back after New Years hopefully HAPPY Celebration..
“Blessed are the pure in heart, they SHALL (inner, perceiver see, plus the manifestation of) SEE God.”Matthew 6:8…(i**but..if the Christian/minister heart is not very pure, then they might inner perceiver MISS IT”)
“Seek ye first the Kingdom of God rather than the promotion of thy own pioneering ministry.”
Herein we will discuss the I Samuel 1:9 Eli High Priesthood/ Rev 2 Loss of First Love/ Hebrews 56:7/Over work and How It Strongly Affect Right Perception of HOLY SPIRIT KINGDOM ORDER; Includes Bible views and in ministry perceptions of it’s doctrinal interpretations
(C)2013 Taveau D’Arcy All copyrights reserved under international copyright laws
POINT: TO HELP THE FALLEN WORLD TO ACCURATELY PERCEIVE and ACCEPT THE LORD JESUS CHRIST and to gain entrance, to grow in understanding of God’s HEAVENLY KINGDOM AND IT’S TRUE ORDER must be the Main Ongoing Mission of each 5 fold office servant Leader.
POINT: Following a close SECOND, the next priority of the leadership of Christ’s born again CHURCh, would be to attempt to shake up, to wake up, and to unconditionally love and serve those who are both inside and outside of the four Church walls.
And this ought to be done “by Holy Spirit divine orchestration, in ‘apostolic sent messenger, servant ,not celebrity, primarily unsung sincere leader style. “Ezekiel 1 Vision: Ezekiel wheel Holy Spirit guidance style”
It is SECOND ONLY to following THE LEADER’S OWN First and Foremost Top Priority personal ongoing pursuit of a FIRST LOVE real relationship with the Lord Jesus Christ.
The THIRD leader priority would be PRAYER, then chief BIBLE IN DEPTH STUDY for the major sole purposes (meaning NOT to get your ministry more widely recognized, “elevated” “promoted” ) but for the unsung Life Saving total purpose of REMINDING, AWAKENING and EDUCATING a Clueless fallen world REALMS OF THE NATURAL FALLEN WORLD, that there is a spiritual power of LIFE and of DEATH and that we are in a war for for the sake of God’s HOLY SPIRIT KINGDOM AND IT’S REVEALED ORDER.
And this is not a natural, visible,fleshly kingdom,although a lot popular leader teaching makes it appear to be so.
It is rather the Kingdoms of this World and their powers and their Eternal Darkness versus God’s Light, Faith Filled Kingdom which lasts Forever..world without end AMEN.
As a by product of the big clash of both POWERS, there are many big and very small earthly manifestations of EACH KINGDOM: God’s HEAVENLY KINGDOM ORDER (in the move of the Holy Spirit in the true Church, in His Corporate Community, the lasting spiritual fruit.)
YET there is also (even just now) big and small aspects of the DARK SIDE KINGDOM which is named THE BABYLONIAN BIG WORLD,SECULAR BUSINESS /RELIGIOUS ELITIST SYSTEM.
Every believer and non believer, old or very young, wise or foolish, rich or poor, and persons of all races and every nation, unknowingly, knowingly interact each and every day with BOTH the Babylonian System (methods, manner, fashions, media,mindsets, morals, other)…
….AND with the HEAVENLY KINGDOM .Apostle Paul mentioned the true spiritual fruits of the KINGDOM OF GOD in Galatians, “love joy peace patience, goodness, meekness, self control.”
“The Kingdom of God is not meat and drink but righteousness, peace and joy in the Holy Spirit.” Romans 14:17
POINT: to fully be made aware of the everlasting Eternal Hope and other Choices, is the main Bible mission of the Church,
The wearing EFFECTS on the helping others ACCURATELY DISCERN, PERCEIVE, TRUST AND RESPECT: GOD’S HOLY SPIRIT KINGDOM DOMINION ORDER during these last Pioneering End Time Days.
MAIN POINT: There are natural, earthly, human apostolic kingdoms,secular, systemic, even institutional. And there are Holy Spirit called, ordained, divinely commissioned prophetic apostolic kingdoms, which are five old office works, be their senior ministry or God called business.
POINT: There is secular, Babylonian, profane, humanistic system: government, legal, educational, world wide business. And there is God called, divinely sanctioned similar. But here is the rub: while the world systems, pioneering many works, governmental, religious, educational, legal, is run naturally, creatively, even emotionally, unless and until it is anchored in God’s perfect chosen will, and yields to, submits to the supernatural invisible authority of God’s Word, it is all fleeting and ultimately vain.
POINT: God calls, inspires and sends out his witnesses, including 5 fold offices, as Holy Spirit Kingdom Order “divinely sent” Good News Messenger. And the Father desires to have an ongoing one on one, PERSON, 24/7/365 First Love relationship, similar to Enoch in Genesis. The Bible tells us that “Enoch walked with God daily and one day God took Him.”
The Lord has recently re-emphasized the huge importance of a true Corporate winsome Bride, who is prepared, yet relates privately with the Lord, yet allowing HIM to give enduring strength, they also learn how to receive a Revelation 12:11 supreme ability to OVER COME what is majorly DECEPTIVE and ACCUSATIVE.
NOTE: We shall begin a NEW SECTION of HOLY SPIRIT KINGDOM ORDER in 1-2 weeks, which will contrast the Messiah, Jesus Christ and the Accuser, from the Book of Genesis to the Last, BUT FIRST, we really do need to deal with the important Things, which can HINDER OR ADVANCE the genuine, general ACCURATE PERCEPTION and DISCERNMENT of Jesus Christ, His Body and His Eternal Purposes, based upon His Holy Bible.
I believe God’s Last Days pioneering Enoch’s will also be his Sent Messengers. Yet this mighty move may be done in at least part, in SECRET.
“After all ,God is the revealer of secrets” Daniel 2:28 and most secrets are shared privately and mainly quietly.
Thus in an Overcoming Bride of Enoch’s who are “God’s pioneering sent messengers” many, if not most of them, have gotten their instructions in a FIrst Love Relationship with the Father, mainly behind closed doors in their prayer closet.
And similar to this prophetic writer, this Bride of Enoch’s also includes the MANY who have been instructed by the Lord in a very private daily, “Home Schooling with the Holy Spirit” and who were told NOT to attend any Bible college or Christian seminary.
Yet, True Overcoming Enoch’s are mature and do not enable the accuser nor force themselves upon any other senior authority. They prefer the personal one on one divine relationship with FATHER GOD and the comfort of Holy Spirit, to the spirit of religion or personal glory in a human made Big System.
And these do not regard themselves too highly or compete or even compare and contrast with those prior ministers who WERE told by the Lord to enter a more established educational college or to graduate from an accredited Bible, theological school.
Yet, the writer respects the existing general ENOCHS present in unknown as well as some well known very high visibility First Love Lighted True Lampstands.
It is from many of THEIR LIGHTS which those down deep in the local grassroots turfs, around the nation as well as around the entire world, have survived attack, escaped near death, even life threatening, unkind experiences.
Thus no real, genuine apostolic ENOCH would have any pride,competition or leader disrespect /ingratitude, for the prior and many present ongoing very high visibility true Enoch’s.
Yet, it is not only sad,but fearful to state, that down here, in the grass roots, middle class “pioneering senior offices” there is NOW more talk about “getting MY MINISTRY promoted” and “Getting RAISED TO THE NEXT LEVEL” than sharing the saving name of Jesus Christ (meaning in many who also adhere to majorly BLESS ME philosophy ** but NOT 100 percent)
As a newbie, and a visitor, in a brand new region, one goes, hopefully to find “accepted in the beloved “ministry peer accountability as well as mature fellowship: apostolic “iron sharpens iron.” OR at least “Hi, welcome,we’re SO GLAD God sent you here!”etc.
AND in a couple of ministries, automatic, non suspicious, welcoming, friendly Bible true accepted in the Beloved DID happen, (on a very rare occasion).
Finding this a sheer rarity in grass roots levels, was a giant leader culture shock, as she had grown up in grass roots ministry, her own father a senior pastor, and then after her own call into ministry, for 35 years, the Lord lead her daily, weekly, monthly all around His very multicultural, ministry leader , most entirely “organic” (no human mixture) ….
…thus as a result the writer ASSUMED that when relocating that JESUS APOSTOLIC PIONEERING LEADER COMMUNITY would be similar: diverse, open, hospitable, even inclusive to the stranger and visiting newbie, and deeply respectful to one of God’s pioneering elders, who also just happened to come dressed in an Outer Court Earth Suit of a middle aged solid Western European.
AND the SHE did find few. Mostly in the ones who were NOT into the Bless Me philosophy, but much more into servant leadership, and still preaching God’s GOOD NEWS, while the built houses in the community, fed the poor.
What was so NOTICEABLE, was that when ONE 5 fold office SUBTYPE the general talk was “about building OUR MINISTRY, CHURCH” yet in the servant, much more open to a stranger, very very polite to a female (not once did I feel a wary accusative distant curious ministry GLANCE, never once was I withstood by any white male senior pioneering leaders, NEVER ONCE was any valuable ministry item stolen and upon my attempting to upfront Matthew 18:15 Bible lovingly confront, was I ever stone walled, avoided and blame shifted upon for being “unforgiving” simply for trying to get back a 88 key digital piano, two computers,and a TV video camera.
AND in the OTHER PURE HEARTED KIND, God would speak to me about FIRST LOVE LAMPSTANDS, the need for Christian senior leaders to humble themselves before the mighty hand of God, and to “LET” non accusative self judgment begin in the HOUSES of God.
But the sharp contrast between ministry “born again/Bible toting” subgroups was what provoked this not a teenaged /novice leader to
1) examine what lay inside HER OWN HUMAN HEART
2) to examine LAMPSTANDS, LIFESTYLES and LEADER ENTITLED ADULTERATED DOCTRINES and then to practically stumble upon “God is a spirit and those who worship ME worship ME in spirit AND in Truth.”
3) It also produced the only time in my entire life, 2 Timothy 3:16-17 Bible reproof. It also was what repeatedly provoked the writer to avoid man made HUMAN LEADER MIXTURE and to start the study of ORGANIC PURE HEARTED CHRIST FOLLOWING, which later became reasons for Emerge FROM (too much)Church, and all of the last 3-4 years of leadership, doctrinal leadership investigation and equipping.
Finally, it made me want to ask this question to all pioneering senior 5 fold Bible offices:
This God Move is NOT about US, it is ONLY supposed to be about THE LORD. Therefore HE can, and truly does, instruct each one of His children mainly INDIVIDUALLY, and seemingly eclectically..to corporately model HIMSELF in all of his many designer, business, prophetic, creative, scientific, artist, skilled over seer, senior 5 fold office personality FACETS, privately conferred with in private prayer closets, then imparted them, commissioned them to senior pioneer a given work, be it missionary, pastor, true prophet, evangelist, Lampstand, or pioneering head founder of a major national/world wide prophetic, Bible teaching, worship new move. Some are repentance and revival apostolic moves, sent to awaken and change entire nations.
Other are called to plant TV /media, major transforming chief apostolic works.
(NOTE: For IFFM views of the words chief apostle, apostle, etc SEE PAGE of that same title)
MATTHEW 16 and God’s Revealed Kingdom http://www.biblegateway.com/passage/?search=Matthew+16&version=NKJV
We conclude with outlining Matthew 16 as a Bible foundation for
“seeking and finding the Kingdom of God.”
Matthew 16: 1- 3 “The Pharisees and Sadducees are (v.1) “tempting Jesus” to show them a sign.”
Jesus is wiser and replies instead with a parable. He forthrightly refers to them as “hypocrites” who are so dull and lacking in discernment that they “fail to discern the signs of the times.” (Not Politically Correct, our Savior…)
He understands that they WATCH and STUDY HIM, in order to TRIP HIM UP..which would prove them in the RIGHT and that they are more PROMINENT, IMPORTANT than Jesus. (Symptoms of being nosey, rumor mongering, critical, accusative judging, wary, suspicious and clearly dull in divine perceptivity.”
This is because they are looking for a Material Messiah to bring them position, palaces, personal power and a new form of government with each of them in the highest paid offices. There is a marked absence of the holy fear of the Lord, which the prophet Isaiah (Isaiah 11:3) foretold would be a spiritually quickening discernment aide in the Messiah, (Yesua, Jesus the Christ).
JESUS who is the authentic predicted Messiah,comes instead in lowly servant form, He is abased and his entire group of apostles are ” ignorant untrained men.”
Yet, just as the Scripture prophesied, JESUS, who fulfills Isaiah 11:3 and “delights in the fear of the Lord,” and it shall make Him “quick of understanding,(enhancing his prophetic discernment spiritual, wisdom gifts) and thus He would not “judge by the sight of His eyes or make decisions based on what He heard.”
(And this should be the ROLE MODEL for all ministry, leadership!)
v. 4-5 After Jesus rebukes the Pharisees and Sadducees, he leaves. Next he encounters his own disciples. They have crossed over to the other side but forgotten to bring any bread with them.
v. 6 Perhaps this next comment by Jesus implies that according to the natural situation, the disciples were fretting and anxious, perhaps getting into a blame shifting argument about WHO was responsible for making sure to bring the bread.
Yet the Messiah, who was never moved by the situation, or people’s flesh, recalls the Pharisees huge suspicious arrogant egos. So Jesus may have overheard the murmuring regarding the fleshly lack of bread, but instead admonishes them to “Beware of the bread of the Pharisees and Sadducees.” (Meaning to beware of their spiritual, legalistic doctrines)
V. 7 However, the disciples are tired, in the flesh and are only concerned about their human appetite. In todays’ modern lingo, they may have reacted to Jesus deep spiritual insight with “Gee, Duh. Perhaps Jesus is upset that we forgot the bread too.”
Jesus, still in the Spirit, probably shook His head in wonderment at their spiritual dullness. He remarks “O you of little faith! Don’t all of you recall how I blessed the bread and fed the five thousand?” I was speaking to YOU of spiritual inside, being discerning and all YOU think of is getting food.
“BEWARE THE YEAST OF THE PHARISEES AND SADDUCEES “(their legalistic, self preserving, LEADER DOCTRINES which were based on form, performance, show, collecting money, pride, seeking position, governmental power but without ANY desire for a personal, one on one relationship with the Higher Power: the Father, Almighty God.)
That’s all I can achieve for right now.
(C)2020 DFW Leader Ministry Fellowship all copyrights reserved

