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REPRINT from www.discernmentandperception.org APRIL 12, 2013
ARE WE FAILING TO ACCURATELY LEADER DISCERN? (C)2013 Taveau D’Arcy All copyrights reserved
Today we’re going to just write a few extremely important Discernment/Accurate Perception pithy, SELAH comments.
I recommend Bible JAMES 3:17 as a Starter Clear Discernment litmus test,
JAMES 3:17:
“The wisdom that comes from above is first of all PURE, PEACEABLE, EASILY ENTREATED, FULL OF MERCY, and GOOD FRUIT, without PARTIALITY and without HYPOCRISY.”
Therefore by using the FRUIT of JAMES 3:17, feel free to pick apart ALL supposed Bible or other APOSTOLIC teaching, advise, or spiritual/supernatural leader wisdom.
- WHEN you or I FAIL to accurately PERCEIVE or DISCERN, then this MIGHT lead to:
Incorrect assumption (accusative, hasty, snap judging)
Proud Presumption (mostly done from afar..not by taking time out from our busy day to go up to inquire of some other person UP CLOSE and IN PERSON)
Fear, doubt, big unbelief (F.E.A.R. “False Evidence Appearing Real”)
All sorts of anxieties, many levels of worries
Legalism (“etched in mental concrete, (often unyielding emotional /mental /religious STEEL), which then produces overly dogmatic, often spiritually DOMINATING, over seer watching, supposing, and often PRESUMPTION, (which then usually produces an UNHEALTHY religious spawn of leader, friend, senior ministry presumptive private suspicious, accusing, judging talk OR WORSE: tale bearing, presumptive gossip or slanderous, even good name, reputation, bold face LIES.
MUCH of the above can stem from LACK of accountability to what God’s Word really does SAY.
MUCH of it stems from over business, leader lack of maturity, lack of real genuine healthy Christ like “fear of the Lord” and pure hearted agape OVERCOMING ENDURING REAL LOVE.
( ASIDE: MUCH of it comes from DEEP HURT, AN EMOTIONALLY /SPIRITUALLY wounded deep place which has sparked unhealthy INSECURITY.
Which then produces “comparison, leader contrasting” AND “unhealthy competition.”
Whereas in our BIBLE it teaches “He/she who compares him/her self with ANOTHER is NOT WISE.” Proverbs
And being WORN OUT can also produce a Lack of Humility, Lack of ACCURATE CLEAR Discernment and high quality PERCEPTION.
(and the writer admits, that this barely scratches the surface of all of this.)
I just posted the following apostolic TD BLOG over on www.randomsaltandselahs.com. I had put PART ONE of it up on this blog April 11.
I will now add PART 2 below.
AND the writer submits it to YOU, each Reader, in SELAH FASHION.
Many End Time Blessings!
Dr. T
HERE IS WHAT I JUST POSTED ON Random Salt and Selahs:
2nd PART:
And the following Bible Verses all apply directly TO YOU: (each is KJV)
Zechariah 2:8c ”…for he that toucheth you toucheth the apple of his eye.“
Psalm 139: 13-17:
For You formed my inward parts;
You covered me in my mother’s womb.
I will praise You, for I am fearfully and wonderfully made;
Marvelous are Your works,
And that my soul knows very well.
My frame was not hidden from You,
When I was made in secret,
And skillfully wrought in the lowest parts of the earth.
Your eyes saw my substance, being yet unformed.
And in Your book they all were written,
The days fashioned for me,
When as yet there were none of them.
17 How precious also are Your thoughts to me, O God!
How great is the sum of them!
Psalm 17:8-9
Keep me as the apple of your eye;
hide me in the shadow of your wings
from the wicked who are out to destroy me,
from my mortal enemies who surround me.
1. God continually looks at YOU and ME and EACH ONE OF US
- Uniquely
- Separately
- Collectively AND Individually as if we are His Only Child. (And God has countless only children but is Great and Almighty Enough to know how to do this)
2. Therefore He watches YOU and ME (but not comparing YOU or ME or ANYONE ELSE) on a continual real time, 24/7/365 basis.
And, like any doting, caring true Father, God takes great interest and delight in each of our every single move.
3. While the world, the flesh and at times even the devil come into play, and for as long as each ONE of us are living in this Fallen Real World, the loving God the Father, provides for each ONE a MEANS of safety, abiding satisfaction, ultimate provision, supplied power and strength as well as a PERCEPTION, even an EXPERIENCE of His caring real love, along with a Bible Game Plan which, after this earthly time has ended, will grace us with NEVER ENDING blissful heavenly JOY and HAPPINESS alongside Him in Eternal Heaven.
All of the above is a spiritual byproduct based on each one of OUR OWN human choice and faith:
He blesses us EACH with a personal opportunities, for example:
1. To have an ongoing real personal relationship ,apart and uniquely with Him following OUR acceptance of Jesus Christ as OUR own personal Lord and Savior.
2. To have a major opportunity to dwell with Him, guided by His Holy Bible and prayer, which then trains us how to be directed and guided by His inward witness “the Voice of the Good Shepherd” 24/7/365; to abide in peace and safety in His Psalm 91 spiritual, naturally invisible Secret Place of the Most High.
3. To understand the resources/life, ministry/business provisions God has for us when we use OUR OWN faith mixed with hard work, diligence, due Time, patience and perservence.
4. To have educational, personal and church fellowship life building and life changing experiences and God encounters at certain key junctures in EACH of OUR own lives.
5. To have enlarged personal calling with deepened new vision and direction, all based on OUR daily abiding Walk and Talk two way open communication along with the Lord but confirmed by both His Word and the mouth of two or more stable, healthy, mature, balanced authority, witnesses.
6) To have OUR OWN heart encouraged and strengthened with the knowledge of HOW the FATHER, because of the shed blood of Jesus Calls Us, Comforts Us, Accepts Us, Abides among US and Teaches Us, Blesses Us and Empowers US..all due to God’s great unmerited, Great Granted (absolutely FREE) Grace.
7. To have EACH of our own human lives given an chief perspective altering big OPPORTUNITY to understand that God has not simply placed us on this Earth to live for only OUR OWN SELVES but instead has CALLED each and every SINGLE PERSON to be a bearer of God’s GOOD NEWS…to broadcast and “spread the love of God abroad in your HEART” as One Way of bringing The Heavenly Father many more new spiritual daughters and sons.
And whenever WE feel depleted, tempted to be negative, or even to feel SORRY for OUR own SELF, by SELAH contemplating all of the LOVE of Jesus Christ gave for EACH of us, can make us feel humbled, honored, blessed and truly GRATEFUL once again.
In the NEXT Blog, we will share PART 3 about WHAT to do when that old Accuser Fallen Sinful Real Nature attempts to trick YOU into being envious, in competition or even JEALOUS.
But, try today to focus on ALL that Christ did for YOU and ME and ALL OF US, by SELAH CONTEMPLATING simply:
Jesus Christ , who died on the cross, endured the sorrow, accepted the shame and sin penalty of accuser induced Eternal DEATH for ONLY YOU: God’s Apple of His Eye Only Child. (and while we do understand how He paid the price for all others, we ought to remind ourself that EVEN if YOU were God’s ONLY PERSON ever born on this EARTH, He would have sent down His Son, Jesus Christ to pay such a HIGH PRICE for only YOUR SIN…simply because He loves YOU all that Much!
So, ’nuff said for just now..
Pastor T
(C)2013 Taveau D’Arcy All copyrights reserved