(C)2019 Taveau D’Arcy All copyrights reserved
“Likewise, ye husbands, dwell with them (wives) according to knowledge, giving honor unto the wife, the WEAKER VESSEL and as being heirs together to the grace of life, that your prayers be not hindered.”
POINT: The above verse pertains to each person who has made it their own choice to follow the Bible as God’s Holy Word. It is directed to legally wed amongst them. (POINT: these days one must clarify )
NOTE: the writer had never noticed any of the following until after HER relocation to the Deep Southwest) A View of New Testament MEN-WOMEN: Dispelling OT Law: “The Weaker Vessel Theory”
WHICH ONE of a legally wed married couple is the WEAKER vessel? The Meeker vessel?perhaps the Speaker vessel? the Sleeker Vessel?….and maybe even the Geeker vessel?
The Bible teaches that the “Woman is the weaker vessel. But contrary to popular tradition, God’s word does not teach that the woman is the weaker vessel in intelligence, maturity, capability and is not “the stupider , gullable, weak willed easy to be preyed upon, neither second class, and/no need to be respected vessel. ” NOTE: I found this so much in deep southwest grass roots that it warranted being posted.
ALSO : Not all women are automatically every man’s “weaker vessel” No there are SOME women who are emotional, spiritually, even physically stronger, financially stronger, even more mature than SOME types of men.
This includes in and not in “ministry.”
And that is why real women must never “settle’..but instead remain ever patient until God sends you the RIGHT “spiritual, emotional, financial and physical match ‘healthy fit.”
And there must be NO formulas. This is only one selah for consideration for the Bible Believers
OFFICE DEBORAH (Judges 4-5) … was a Hebrew national judge over males and females. The Bible states how she went out to war with one of the generals as he was too afraid to lead the charge alone. (Yet her Husband absolutely trusted her) .. Prophet Deborah was the cherished “weaker vessel” when she went home to surely the equally yoked, but in mostly likely a different field, her husband Lapidoth. (Aka …nick name LAPTOP)
NEXT: “Breaking down MORE traditions: “The legally wedded Christian husband “dwelling with the wife according to knowledge”
(C)2019 DFW Leader Ministry Fellowship All copyrights reserved