AMAZING GOOD EATS “Stirring Up the Cooking Anointing”
From Taveau D’Arcy Creative Leadership
WHILE this is in NO SEASONAL specific ORDER, and while TD has let it sit since JULY…(just too consumed with being busy)…it’s still worth a GLANCE.
This RECIPE BLOG contains her OWN pet tried and true Healthy FAVORITES, a couple of INVENTIONS, but then also a FEW from her REFINED SUGAR over loving mainly (Dear Mother’s SIDE) of the basically NON COOKING but surely FUN, BLESSED, Godly contented, devoted FAMILY.
NOTE: Taveau had to ask GOD to “stir up the (cooking, idea) gift within her.”..AKA “Please implant inside her GOOD COOKING, ORIGINAL IDEAS, MEAL PLANS..” (this then provoked the SUBTITLE : “STIRRING UP THE COOKING ANOINTING”… as her dear, highly capable, working super hard dear MOTHER could not cook*** and so her FATHER did the cooking (See the SNAKE PATTIES good story..somewhere way at the FIRST of when she began AMAZING GOOD EATS.
** The dear departed (at age 91.5) Nonie, Taveau’s blessed mother, gave new meaning to the PSALMS 31 Real Hard Working VIRTUOUS LEADER WOMAN: “She brings her food from afar” ….(take out, eat out, bring it back home!).
And while T fully ENJOYS eating OUT...nowadays she keeps it to a minimum…and when she really does, she eats out VERY rarely AND very CAREFULLY and SELECTIVELY . YET the TCL, DFW LOF Chief Instigator still enjoys resembling her VIRTUOUS ADVENTUROUS DEAR MOTHER at special TIMES…in the exact SIMILAR “bringing her food from AFAR” said manner..
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