NOTE: am posting this on many TCL apostolic sites today. Please network and SHARE!
(Helps us to weed out BACK UNDER THE OT LEVITICAL LAW, Bible thumping , Pharisee finger Pointing..legalism, all domination, accusation, bullying, divorce, family and fellowship, racial, big real ISSUES!!) Many MORE…
NOTE: There is a RELATIONSHIP THEOLOGY out there online..which is not mine.
RUNNING TO THE LORD FOR HIS HELP ..during STRESS, HELL ON EARTH in family, fellowships, LIFE….as in enlisting God’s own HELP, STRENGTH to abide, to practice enduring in JAMES 3:17 “self governed peace, Godly self control”
OURS, TCL’S is ABIDING RELATIONSHIP THEOLOGY (Enduring in ABIDING JAMES 3:17 all relationship Fruit..even under GREAT PRESSURE) Running to GOD for His HELP to self govern and abide, remain in JAMES 3:17). AND it is based on God’s Holy Spirit personal power for His help to continually practice SELF GOVERNMENT. (Galatians 5:22-23 “Fruit of the Spirit self control”)
(PS I too am working on “maturely attaining it”…. always!)
TCL ABIDING RELATIONSHIP THEOLOGY http://www.relationshiptheology.org
(Hodgepodge of articles, whenever I feel something pertains to RELATIONSHIPS)
Ties hand in hand with E.O.R.R. “EQUAL OPPORTUNITY REAL RESPECT”
E.O.R.R. does NOT promote PC Compromise. Rather it is REAL RESPECT “For the OFFICE of EVERY KIND OF HUMAN BEING..MADE IN GOD’S OWN IMAGE PSALM 139!) … and also about enduring JAMES 3:17 peaceful quality.
Maybe ought to be taught at school, Sunday School, Youth, Fellowship and Society QUALITY ENHANCEMENT. (can be used by most FAITHS with or without Bible, Jesus Christ as Savior). IF they are really open. Yet, the personal power of God’s Holy Spirit is actually very much ongoing NEEDED..”By first inviting Jesus Christ into one’s pure heart as Savior” (by anyone who does, regardless if they EVER GO TO A CHURCH or NOT!!)
NOTE: TCL walks Cross Christ Following, mostly Bible Believing Body, Cross Racially, and Cross Worship Culturally, NON Partisan Politically…and Speaks Fluent (Non PC) ABIDING IN JAMES 3:17 RELATIONSHIP (MOSTLY RESPECTUL) THEOLOGY…for most of her entire Long Life.
PS Am in need of a qualified READER, COMPILER
DFW LEADER CONNECT: dfwleader@gmail.com
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