PSALM 139 “God made each one of YOU GOOD”
- THE WIDESPREAD TEMPLATE OF “The women leader Bible “weaker vessel” : It is not possible for EVERY LEADER WOMAN to be the template “weaker vessel” to EVERY kind of religious man. No… a God called mighty female leader, she must be choosey and not dull down, nor “simply settle” ….with a REAL current NT LEVITICAL PATRIARCHAL repeatedly perceived REASON being….that so very many men are WEAK”…Thus, PROPHETIC DEBORAH’S needed a very strong LAPIDOTH… to make her feel like the “cherished weaker vessel” SUBMITTED SELAH
- “Keeping all the rules, dotting all the i’s, crossing all the T’s… does NOT a Manly Real Leader Man (or mighty female) necessarily make.”
- “Mighty men need to RISE UP and lead. Capable leader real women need to LET them lead. This will take much of the heavy burden off of the CAPABLE LEADER REAL WOMAN”
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