This ties right in with PERSONAL SELF GOVERNMENT, the Root of ALL real Authority.

( Just trying not to hurt anyone with it… Taveau Creative Leadership)


A repeat from Sept May 2019


Where All Relationship Respect Resides

© 2009 Dr. Taveau D’Arcy  All rights reserved under international copyright laws

Submitted as Selah to the Christian True Body

ACCUSATION( rather than ASSESSING)  is a SOUL -HEART Self Governing Christ Following  Real RELATIONSHIP THEOLOGY ongoing ISSUE Taveau D’Arcy Creative Leadership

ABOVE: heart and mind, will, emotions, personal decisions really START (self talk, envy,(Cain and Able Gen 4) ideas, praise, either assessing or accusing, and It’s Relationship Headquarters,with the Loving GOD or OTHERS, SELF)

ABOVE: Never read this book ...and frankly, I bought it,but actually never opened it, as the COVER said enough...(saw this book  in the grocery store in Virginia.) THE TITLE says it all…and the REAL REALM (as it seems to this person) is  all about one human person self governing their mortal mind, will and emotions (aka the SOUL realm). And it has been a particular help to me, as I always NEED to practice “Godly clear discernment and accurate perception”  of WHEN to be Silent, like Sweet Baby Jesus, to turn the other cheek or WHEN to rise up, to speak out against Injustice, and/or with ZEAL for The Father’s House, like the mature Jesus when He tossed over those temple Pharisees’ Mammon- Centric auguste leader tables!)

Q .What is meant by the use of the word SOUL?

The Human Mind Will and Emotions


Q. Where is MY human soul? Explain WHY my soul is important.

A. Close your eyes that is when you are aware of your human soul realm.

B. This is the part of each alive human after they die. The SOUL (nephesh) can discern good from evil.

…It can hear, think, imagine.

…Plus the inner SOUL is each human person’s  deep inside ,main part of YOU and ME will make the personal choice to accept or to reject Jesus Christ’s offer for personal relationship and eternal (soul) salvation.

Picture it like a big balloon . Or something like the picture of the deep cave the above picture.

C. This “inner conscious awareness” inside part of us, needs to be trained by the supernatural power of renewing the human mind by God’s transforming, sustaining, SOUL TRAINING Bible principles.

D. Even though our outward Earth Suit (our human body) perishes, what we truly are on our INSIDES (the soul, spirit) will appear before the Lord one day, all by your self, all alone.

E. That is why each human must be prepared for that coming Day (this is also known as the day of judgement. ) On that eventful day, not your mortal body, but your human alive soul, spirit will pass forever and ever into eternal joy in Heaven, or into everlasting torment in flames and utter darkness in the never ending eternal Hell.

F. Close your eyes and make that eternal choice about WHAT to really BELIEVE.


If you don’t know Him, then now is YOUR time to invite Jesus Christ into YOUR HEART as Lord and Savior.

PS This will give you HIS SUPERNATURAL SOUL SALVATION but also help EMPOWER OUR SOUL and MIND and BODY while on this Earth!

DOUBTERS? Click Link to find out if YOU are truly ready to GO should Jesus Christ come SOON or if something (meaning BIG GOD FORBID) big surprising ever  actually did happen.

G. And what strongly affects your inside soul, emotions, mind, thinking, sense realms,(see next Q.) then creates mental and emotional feelings on the inside….but then strangely affects the way we view ourselves, or our favor with others, or even our preserves us, makes us strong and divinely healthy and even strongly affects our ability to draw business and financial success.


H. What affects YOUR human soul? (both negatively and positively)?


A. Whatever YOU allow to come in to YOUR eyes, ears, thoughts, senses, an unrenewed mind (with its out of control thoughts and imaginations, worry, FEAR), big pressures, remaining in unconfessed known sin, the positive or negative wounding words from others, our own self talk, oppression from spiritual warfare, chemical substances, your diet, the pure or impure..

(including complaining, cursing)words that come out of your own human mouth, remaining bitter and unforgiving of others or even YOURSELF To be continued…..

Upcoming Planned Topics: TO BE ON AUDIO…



I. Important steps to empower your own soul
J. How can you rebuild a badly bruised soul/emotional realm? What goes on in your soul when negative words attack it?
K. What can you do during an all poverty of soul or financial poverty
L. Gaining more self control over your own soul
During extreme spiritual warfare or when under emotional attack

(C) 2019 DFW Leader Ministry Fellowship All copyrights reserve

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