NOTE: This was first posted Oct 16, 2018 www.dfwleader.org
A “spirit of prophecy” CAN come over time… from within, as a potential part, a produced Holy Spirit by product of a deep, ongoing and PERSONAL Holy Spirit, divine Relationship following accepting Jesus Christ into one’s own pure heart as Lord and Savior.
ASIDE RESOURCE: Link to “THE COMMANDMENTS OF JESUS” which I just happened to find online as I looked for Scripture Matthew 22 https://www.trusting-in-jesus.com/Commandments-of-Jesus.html
Part 1 Introduction, Author Explanation
(C)2018 Taveau D’Arcy Creative Leadership All copyrights reserved
HOUSE VIEWS: “discerning, perceiving, the heavenly “apostolic, prophetic” Ephesians 4 “Bible office” ministry /leader WORD “being given by, proceeding FROM the “Lord God Almighty” first originates in a Unique Person, of any race, gender and/or educational, socio economic level, any political or denominational association, ought to first originate in the Person’s “perceiving and hearing, learning patient quiet heart” within the Psalm 91 “Secret Place of the Most High” (as in private prayer time being alone/apart and settled into a PERSONAL ONGOING “Relationship” with the Lord, following that said Person, asking/accepting the prophet Jesus Christ into their heart as Personal Lord and Savior.
COMMAND OF JESUS CHRIST (John 33:3 ) “Jesus answered and said unto him, Verily, verily, I say unto thee, Except a man be born again, he cannot (PERCEIVER- DISCERNER? ) see the kingdom of God”
NOTE all of this about the OT Law, etc are just a small sample, due to length of article…and type of kernel teaching, purposely simplified.
ANOTHER PERSONAL RELATIONSHIP Apostle Paul, who had many different times of suffering “due to the abundance of his revelations” (Paul wrote 2/3 of the New Testament”). And he described the “how” he “perceived and discerned it” as within his relationship alone with Christ..(yet Apostle Paul also prayed for all of the Christ followers to gain much more of God’s “spirit of wisdom and revelation” in Ephesians 1:17.
We note…that Paul describes NOT just reading books about JESUS, or sitting “under” good scholarly teaching, but rather taking time apart from the clutter of tradition, personal opinion …and both and false potential doctrines..to really get to know the LORD…personally. And then, little by little, meaning accompanied by fellowship as well as by Noble Berean Bible true study, to then gradually develop the Holy Spirit big (silent)gift of ‘inwardly discerning, perceiving and getting to KNOW the Holy Ghost impressions, affirming heart peace as well as giving Him a real chance to show YOU who YOU are to HIM and to also help YOU discern and perceive who YOU are and are NOT..meaning …to hear directly from the always present 24/7/365 Him…about your calling, your identity and the type of fellowship He really wants YOU to have.
AND this exactly what apostolic leader Taveau Creative Leadership continually advocates, practiced and has continually practiced from youth onwards until know..and respectfully honors both her wise pastor parent, both maternal grandmothers, aunts, cousins and sibling, who also moved in all of that but many never ever having any deep encounter with what the more charismatic, prophetic, pentecostals refer to as “praying in an unknown tongue.” No, I grew up around mature, servant elder, very happy, NON pentecostals, who most of them being Baptist, or Presbyterian with a fringe of caring Methodists, actually prayed ongoing for precise direction, location and/or (ongoing) for God’s help in ongoing real life and who most of them, also prayed for many many white, black and all races of others.
I personally, usually receive, perceive the Latter and submit this Bible verse, I Chronicles 12:32,
“And of the children of Issachar, which were men that had an understanding of the times, to know what Israel ought to do; the heads of them were two hundred; and all their brethren were at their commandment.”
I could liken this to similar to a Prophetic Enoch” who walked and talked with God daily..” Adams grandson in Genesis 5. And I note that there are countless many global millions of similar “hanging out with the Holy Spirit” atypical silent, mostly unsung type Enochs. (not all are “office prophets, or even understand Enoch, prophecy, servant apostles, seers, etc).
Dating back to the mid 1980’s I most often “perceiver-discern” what I call “PRESENT DAY LEADER WORDS” which I usually submit to the multicultural, national, even global, Body of Christ….meaning for each Unique Individual “who has ears to (perceiver-discerner inwardly “hear”).
Such is the Main Word which the Lord placed in my heart about October 7-8, and which I sat one, wondering if is was simply a WORD for myself but following time, I submit it to the ministry/leaders, as in Christians, who are abiding similar to those main Ones whom God’s Spirit addresses and calls forth, in the Old Testament** Book of Haggai.
**TCL Ministries, DFW Leader Ministries Fellowship addresses “New Testament” versus Old Testament Levitical, mostly accusative, legalistic, justice, law. I submit that when one reads, listens to any TCL /DFWLeader mention of an Old Testament passage,Holy Bible scripture, that our nontraditional, non legalistic views regarding such, are that in the light of JESUS CHRIST fulfilling the Law, and replacing all the TEN COMMANDMENTS, other about 613 OT Levitical Laws with MATTHEW 22:36-40,
40. On these two commandments hang all the law and the prophets.
And while many today believe the role model of a “office true apostle, prophet” may resemble the rugged men of the Old Testament, one today must also SELAH and submit to males, females and many types and various, even atypical ministry , called, equally valid, yet being “different” styles as we now find right this now. And while this is a Submitted Noble Berean Selah, we base this prophetic ministry comment on Hebrews 1:1-2,
“God, who at sundry times and in divers manners spake in time past unto the fathers by the prophets,
Hath in these last days spoken unto us by his Son, whom he hath appointed heir of all things, by whom also he made the worlds;”
All in all TD Ministries will use Old Testament Scripture as NOT BACK UNDER any Old Testament Levitical Legalism, since we now live in New Testament “ye must be born again” significant times”
Rather, OT Bible passages are now (meaning over here) not to be discarded but are to be used to edify, comfort and help, strengthen as they are now Holy Ghost anointed precepts. Example fellowshipping (Sabbath) with the saints COMMANDED BLESSING in Isaiah 56:7 ”
“Even them will I bring to my holy mountain, and make them joyful in my house of prayer: their burnt offerings and their sacrifices shall be accepted upon mine altar; for mine house shall be called a house of prayer for all people.”
BACK during Old Testament Levitical Law precise days, the Sabbath was the Hebrew sabbath command to ONLY worship from Friday sundown through Saturday Sunset..and to NOT do one jot nor tittle of work..
..Yet during the New Testament, of RIGHT NOW, Christ permits any one to pray and hear directly from the Spirit of God 1) which day to worship on, to keep a nonlegalistic,sabbath 2) what kind and type of fellowship to go to, or even to refrain from going to (!) And Apostle Paul pens Common Doctrines of Ephesians 4 to help us all refrain from accusative legalistic finger pointing. (Note; so we keep this posted at the top of BOOK OF EPHESIAN COMMON DOCTRINE
HERE (PDF free UNLESS YOU feel to sow!) http://onlinefellowship.us/?page_id=8853
(Note Practicing “freedom from the Law, in Christ” does not imply one is slack, permissive, and/or condoning, or Greasy in Ones’ Granted Grace” (taking New Testament mostly Apostle Pauline certainly strong worded seeming Bible commands as licentious, lascivious or for purposes, sly intentions of using or controlling, abusing some other human person***.)
***FULLY NOTE: the evil words used above represent ABUSE OF A GOD GIVEN RELATIONSHIP (S).. Hence the need to discuss, leadership, parental train always on ABIDING RELATIONSHIP THEOLOGY versus “Making a Big To Do List of Required Legalistic Rules” http://www.relationshiptheology.org
Furthermore in the Modern New Testament Love Walk (Rev 2 Philadelphian Church/Bride of Christ) using the LAW usually triggers ACCUSATION, frustration and “Pharisee sin spying” plus “Goody Two Shoes Religion” and assessed as self righteousness, busy bodies, and even ministry gossip.
RULE OF NON-LEVITICAL LOVE:( assess, fulfill, remember + equip) “LEVITICAL RHYMES WITH CRITICAL” to help decide, to perceive and rightly discern! Apostle Taveau
YET, prior to beginning THE WORD SENT THROUGH PROPHET HAGGAI I remind each of that nobody gets it all 150% right, not even 100% and perhaps I may only perceive, determine 35-50%..but it’s still a powerful lot to pray about, to Noble Berean , prophetically God inquire continually about!
(C)2018 DFW Leader Minsitry Fellowship All copyrights reserved