“Discerned and perceived “lack of humility” affects Fellowship Attending, Ministry RELATIONSHIPS” Apostle Taveau D’Arcy Creative Leadership
AREA PERCEIVER-DISCERNERS..in Family, Staff, Friends, Newbies, Expats, Many Internationals, persons not of the Jesus believing Faith…the PERCEIVER-DISCERNER “mind, spirit, deep intelligence God graced human GIFT..be it redeemed and empowered..Holy Spirit anointing or not..is still very active in normal living VERY SMART persons…and these abound. AlSO the perceiver-discerner significant free gift is HEIGHTENED and MORE SEARCHING…in the following people groups: (as it acts as a defense, self protection weapon) ..with the PRIOR 1)raised with, spousal, any BIG BIAS (racism, appearance, certain type, lifestyles, gender, stature, status, education, et) repeatedly ACCUSED (put down, distances from, “projected BIG “ANTI YOU” REJECTION” and SINISTER “ACCUSATION” 2) ALSO AMONG THE FOLLOWING MANY WHO WANT TO GO TO FELLOWSHIP TO GET “AWAY FROM IT” AND “FEEL EMOTIONALLY SAFE, TIME OFF” …the REPEATEDLY ABUSED, EMOTIONALLY, VERBALLY, due to BIAS and AFTER TRAUMA..SEXUAL, MENTAL, LIFE, JOB, (ANY UNDUE) LOSS, GRIEF…
And Believe the many YOU, I certainly know..as a long term deep emotional recurring abuse, patriarchal seer scan occult..false leader ACCUSED doctrines survivor.
HENCE to affirm many of these…similar..but to WARN and gives a HEADS UP to the DULL AND MANY CLUELESS..who actually seem to charismatic believe that “when a person tried to fellowship ..is a new, returning EORR VISITOR..that it is ALL about THEM (the pastor, prophet, elite top elders)
AND FOR THE SAKE OF THE HARVEST and the MANY CHRISTIAN MINISTERS who are NOT LIKE This but due to strong similarity MAY be lumped in with any one of the seeming MANY BIG GIFTED ELITE MILLIONS I now office true prophet let it be known..in order to warn certain among these USA, GLOBAL impure Bible teaching “certain doctrinal” massive GROUPS and their many MILLIONS of DEVOUT followers
- (C)2019 Taveau D’Arcy Leadership Ministries All copyrights reserved
Psalm 123 Verses 1-2: The approaching servant of God, comes to pour out his sorrow yet with deep humility
1.Unto thee lift I up mine eyes, O thou that dwellest in the heavens.
2 Behold, as the eyes of servants look unto the hand of their masters, and as the eyes of a maiden unto the hand of her mistress; so our eyes wait upon the Lord our God, until that he have mercy upon us.
Psalm 123: 3 At first reading, it seems that maybe the Psalmist has “self righteous pride” and may be feeling the need to repent. However, when one reads the next verse, it better explains.
3 Have mercy upon us, O Lord, have mercy upon us: for we are exceedingly filled with contempt.
Psalm 123:4 It appears that the human SOUL** of the supplicating Psalmist (**the SOUL being his’ MIND, WILL, EMOTIONS) is being adversely, negatively affected, even afflicted by the LPV (self righteous, superior PRIDE) of human persons (as are his RELATIONSHIPS)
4 Our SOUL is exceedingly filled with the scorning of those that are at ease, and with the contempt of the proud.
WE LPV Conclude: that the spirit of self righteous, arrogant, superior, and envious PRIDE begins deep inside the PROUD HUMAN PERSON and then silently, unbeknownst to THEM…actually emits….projects…. outward and assaults the MIND, EMOTIONS and influences, applies a spirit of carnal undeserved pressure or a perceived, discerned or NOT (people don’t understand WHY that person makes them feel so BAD,INFERIOR, DUMB, POOR, BIASED AGAINST, many more)
FOR THE LPV “Spirit of PRIDE” invisibly, using satanic dark evil forces, attacks the abused, accused, sensitive, truly big HUMBLE, poor, any Godly human person …who is simply trying to live for God, in order to fully please Him and mostly mind their own business.
Persons who are already in a very long, deep tiring big trial can also be made to feel unwelcome and “not good enough” “not leadership, ministry fully accepted” if they PERCEIVE “inner know” and discern that superior, pecking order, Classism, Racism, Gender, Age, and/or Appearance, Need to be Show Biz, (disrespect of SOME human ministry persons and picking big leader FAVORITES in supposed Christian ministry, leadership, acquiring types of church fellowships.
(C)2021 DFW Leader Ministry Fellowship All copyrights reserved