PULL THE PLUG ON SECRET DOMESTIC ABUSE: http://www.soberministrythoughts.wordpress.com
“Look unto Abraham your father, and unto Sarah that bare you: for I called him alone, and blessed him, and increased him.” ISAIAH 51:2
(We have time and space to name but a VERY FEW…)
- JESUS..how UNIQUE HE truly WAS.and as SEER PROPHET, He could PERCEIVE and KNOW IT at every angle of LIFE and EARTHLY EXISTENCE. Hanging there on the CROSS humiliated, in searing pain ALONE!
- NOAH (125 years appearing to be a FOOL standing out the open building a giant BOAT on DRY LAND..with NO SIGN of RAIN plus a COMPLAINING SPOUSE!)
- PROPHET DANIEL..who took a stand ALONE and perceived GOD as the REVEALER OF SECRETS (Daniel 2:28)
- ELIJAH..POWER, SIGNS and REAL WONDERS while up front CONFRONTING those 450 false PROPHETS (all ALONE!)
- APOSTLE PAUL (surely he was married but….all is SHIPWRECKS, ADDER BITES, PRISON CELLS, more, with NO formal SPONSORSHIP i.e…had NO Famous PASTOR as his OVERSEER (Gal 1:1-2)
- JOHN the apostle on the ISLE of PATMOS…ostracized, boiled in oil, more than ONCE…yet all BY HIMSELF the HOLY SPIRIT downloaded the BOOK OF REVELATION
PART 2 SOLO ALONE Prophetic Overseer ,Taveau, shares her own private, ministry and family life while continually wrestling with and then at last MOSTLY overcoming “the UNCOMFORTABLE feeling of being ALONE in the BIG CROWD.” C)2018TaveauD’ArcyAllcopyrightsreserved –
PART 3 to continue with many BIBLE passages, Helpful TIPS and more life experiences..
(C)2018 DFW Leader Ministry Fellowship All copyrights reserved