This was first posted June 2016 WHO, WHAT IS PURELY “IN THE REAL BIBLE” FIRST CHURCH ORGANIC? AND WHAT IS THE (approx)1996  mini-book by Prophet Bob Buess alerting the  USA Church that a SPIRIT OF ENTERTAINMENT and FANTASY would be coming to attack the Church”(ad placed in Charisma print magazine) WHO WAS, ONGOING “REALLY IS” THE ORGANIC CHRIST JESUS? Plus-Minus Different Common TV Effected Ministry Teachings..Example..”We must always Resemble…”the Sweet baby Jesus” (as in ONLY) ….but very few also heard…HE GREW UP…and HOW to Hero Model   MATURE GROWN UP Christ.. who took (Holy Spirit divinely directed)  a righteous  temple tossing stand…(like myself “Proverbs 27:6”)  MINISTRY APOSTLE JESUS VS THE  PC OVERSEER PHARISEES SEARCHING FOR THE AUTHENTIC NATURE OF THE APOSTOLIC MINISTER CHRIST ROOTS OF MODERN WELP POP PSYCHOLOGY FIX EM FAST Minister Jesus Encounters  the Establishment Levitical Patriarchal  Epic Move of His Time..which had become  avoidant and self defensive ..which had so efficient that it could save time by Diagnosing..without real relationship. Hence it has become fast fix  and dehumanizing..wishing to avoid time wasting, energy expending REAL LIFE.. And now had become used to the  Fast Fix Formula…  which conveniently would  spin another’s perspective so was to cleverly blaming and accusing  people who  disagreed. The LP of that Time…Pharisees KNEW MORE..for they had IN PLACE and ON TOP “GOD’S PEOPLE” and now had arrived.  SO when Messiah came, (grown up in their temple, looked down as possibly Mary’s illegitimate offspring)..the Christ just “ONE MORE PARISHIONER” and it was THEY it had attained and was the Jehovahs  SYSTEM of Choice.. Ever well educated the In Place Pharisees were critical of anyone who questioned the Pharisee Party Line..Plus, WHO WAS THIS UPSTART? Just a rugged carpenter, not as formally educated..truly an unwanted grass roots maverick. However, in a Spiritually Eternal was bias and ministry lack of deep only formulas mixed with superior authority…  unbelief which  caused them to MISS the Main Point of JESUS interrupting their fine business order….for by then, the majority of the elite Pharisees of Jesus time the majority the  ancestors of Esau, (the Edomites) whom the prophetic Obadiah had warned.. The historians noted that the amount of persons with  Edomite ancestry …in almost the whole percentage of the Pharisee System (plus also King Herod, who slaughtered the babies) each stemmed from the culture of Esau (carnal) and were identified as the   “hireling priesthood”. Just like Today. MOST Perfect Elite Systems..tend to do minimize human real persons, deflect the Truth and arrange a withstanding and accusing hierarchy keep the upper hand.  So we read the humorous exchange between the Phariees and Christ Jesus it resembles perfectly what one experienced in modern life Fellowships who are not pure ORGANIC but more like  charismatic shepherding Theophostic  PROCESSED. Dr Phil Move Over. PS No more ‘weep with those who weep” “Jesus wept” “mourn with those who mourn” in these modern day busy Christian churches.. NO, now it’s mostly charismatic “BE SCANNED  AND (FAR OFF)  DIAGNOSED ..BY  THOSE WHO   DEEP SCAN” AS NOW.. it’ FIX EM FAST, FAR OFF SCAN AND  DIAGNOSE…but never ONE TO ONE RELATE(in order to VERIFY what they BELIEVE the “PERCEIVED” BUT then minus any RELATIONSHIP..they dutifully  “report what THEY  believe THEY  DIAGNOSED ” meaning…to notify a fellow elder” (and/or THE WHOLE TEAM)*** ***NOT ONE BIG RIGHT (C)2016 Taveau Creative Leadership All copyrights reserved under international copyright laws   “Messiah Christ came to comfort the afflicted and to afflict the comfortable.” 80′ or 90’s Anonymous   Faith Preacher FLM Revival Quote   JESUS walked into the Pharisee temple and tossed over their ever so righteous, mammon centric tables. One of them said, “We liked you better when you  were your  old Sweet Baby Jesus self.”   JESUS walked into the Pharisee temple and tossed over their $$ tables. One of them said” Shame on YOU, Jesus…now  You’ve shamed Your Dear Mother, Mary..and surely embarrassed each one  of  Your ministry disciples!”   JESUS walked into the Pharisee temple and tossed over their $$ tables. One them cried out, “Jesus! Let not your good be evil spoken of!”   JESUS walked into the Pharisee temple and tossed over their $$ tables. But later they murmured and discussed it among themselves, then  shook it off saying, “Jesus has made bitter root judgements against us!”     JESUS walked into the Pharisee temple and tossed over their $$ tables. One of them said “Jesus, Shame on YOU! You’re   being contentious…and  causing strife and division.” So they ignored Him and placed a black mark beside His name… JESUS walked into the Pharisee temple and tossed over their $$ tables. Immediately the two top leaders dismissed Him. One impatiently muttered  to the other, “That Jesus….everyone around the area knows that He’s out from under all spiritual authority and therefore IN REBELLION…. just pay Him no mind!” JESUS walked into the Pharisee temple and tossed over their temple $$ tables. One of them said to the others ,”Pay him no mind, Jesus is just feeling sorry for himself. He’s probably jealous because we’re the temple overseers and he’s just one of those grass roots nobodies!’   JESUS walked into the Pharisee temple and tossed over their $$ tables. One of them said,”Jesus, clearly You are very wounded.  I strongly  recommend that you enroll in our 8 week Fix You Fast Class!”   JESUS walked into the Pharisee temple and  tossed over their $$ tables. But they simply dismissed  Him saying,” Evidently, Mary’s boy, Jesus,  has a LOT of big unforgiveness baggage.” Q. WHO was King Saul’s favorite pop psychologist? A. Dr. Philistine Taveau DFW inspired 2012 Twitter Joke (C)2022 DFW Leader Ministry Fellowship All copyrights reserved under international copyright laws